Yearly Archives: 2012

Some Cities Welcome Citizen Engagement And Some Don’t

Through the leadership of Mayor Thomas Menino, the city of Boston tracks an extensive amount of data in an effort to answer three questions: 1) What is City government doing?2) How well are we doing it?3) How can we do it better? Since 2010, the City of Boston has created a Performance Management Scorecard forRead… Read more »

Why Do We Wait for A Crisis?

The current brouhaha over the impending Fiscal Cliff is yet another example of a national culture that waits for crisis before taking action. The irony in this current example is that our political leaders actually created the cliff to force themselves to address this complex economic issue. In other words, because they couldn’t work togetherRead… Read more »

3 Negotiation Methods: Phone, In-Person and Email

After using all three in a professional setting for a few years, I think these are some general notes that can help new government contract specialists. Phone Negotiations First, I prefer phone negotiations. They’re usually faster than the alternative and don’t give either side much time to delay, meaning neither side overanalyzes its interests toRead… Read more »

Aakash Desai: Why I’m Coding for America

We live in a unique time. The internet has grown from a technology into a global canvas for human expression, education, and information. We have a tool at our disposal that allows us to connect to each other on a deep level, instantaneously. Family members on opposite sides of the world can communicate in real-time.Read… Read more »

Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age

The digital information revolution has handed the U.S. intelligence community a slew of new challenges that are nowhere close to resolution, a new study says. The 21st-century problems range from mountains of data to accelerated pace of change to competing information flow from nongovernmental sources to fears of violating privacy and civil liberties, according toRead… Read more »

WikiLeaks’ Support Wavers

The hacker collective Anonymous has long been a supporter of WikiLeaks, due to their mutual goal to unearth government secrecy. But that relationship seems to be fading away. Due to the obvious anonymity of Anonymous, few details are available, but Tweets like, “We…withdraw out support (of WikiLeaks)” point to a break-up. The recent disagreement betweenRead… Read more »

Amazon’s Government-Centric Cloud Explosion

Lately, Amazon has been catering to the high number of government customers that depend on the site. A respectable 1,800 government employees are regular Amazon visitors, and the site is committed to providing a stellar experience for civil servants. The majority of these visitors (1,500) are educational employees who are quickly adopting cloud computing. ThusRead… Read more »