Yearly Archives: 2012

How does your agency use customer service data?

GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service In Government GovLoop is proud to announce our latest resource, The GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government. In this report, experts in the field provide best practices on how to improve customer service in government. Be sure to check out the report home page for all theRead… Read more »

Daedalus, a cyber-attack alert visualization system (incredible video)

Daedalus is a cyber-attack alert system developed by the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). It provides awe-inspiring visualizations of cyber information. Security professionals will be quick to remind us that any visualization is only as good as the data that feeds it, but this visualization is so cool you have toRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Mayors Seek to Promote Entrepreneurship through Open Government

At the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. last week, the organization backed an action plan to promote technology, entrepreneurship, open government, and innovation. The Technology and Innovation Task Force, which was created in the beginning of this year, passed a resolution which aims to promote open data at all levelsRead… Read more »

11 Unintended Consequences Of Government Executive Disclosure Act

Legislation intended to deter members of Congress from profiting from stock trades based on inside information is inadvertently forcing 28,000 federal employees to expose their personal financial information on the Internet. The result, according to a trade group for senior government executives, is a number of unintended risks that federal employees must now bear, andRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Integrate Your Apps | Zapier – Sync the Web – An ifttt for business web applications. Potentially vey handy. What Organizations Can Learn from “If This Then That” (IFTTT) – Nice post from Nick Charney on ifttt – which I wrote about the other day DigitalRead… Read more »

Changing Education

Video is a powerful educational tool. With internet distribution and storage, a world class video can easily be shared globally. Salman Khan of the Khan Academy has been making short videos that teach specific technical skills to students from elementary school to graduate level. These are available for free on the web. One of theRead… Read more »

It’s Census (data) day!

Today at 11:30am the ABS releases the first tranche of the 2011 Census’s data – including the core demographics. How is this Gov 2.0 related? There’s a number of ways. First, this is the first time the majority of Census data will be released, from day one, under a Creative Commons license as open dataRead… Read more »

The Next Generation of Government Training Summit 2012

The Next Generation of Government Training Summit 2012 held at the JW Marriot in Washington, D.C. July 26 -27, 2012 This OPM-approved training event, designed by and for emerging government leaders, provides: Training sessions mapped to OPM ECQs to develop the critical skills needed by rising leaders; Career advice from top senior government officials; BestRead… Read more »

Interesting Phone Concepts

Have you ever heard of the phone called the Nokia Aeon? How about the Triple Flip that runs on Windows 7? There are just two of the many innovative ideas that have exploded onto the internet as well as various phone companies. Designers are hard at work finding new futuristic phone concepts to bring toRead… Read more »