Yearly Archives: 2012

Paywalls for media providers mean government agencies need blogs and social media more

With the news this week that Fairfax is following News Ltd in introducing paywalls to their major metro online news mastheads, organisations need to think deeper about their social media strategy. With a paywall strategy two things happen. Firstly a large number of people stop using the paywalled websites. For example it’s been reported inRead… Read more »

Top 10 NCDD offerings you should know about (and may not)

The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation ( is a community of innovators who bring people together across divides to discuss, decide, and collaborate on today’s toughest issues. NCDD serves as a gathering place, a resource clearinghouse, a news source and a facilitative leader for this vital community of practice. If you’re interested in dialogue,Read… Read more »

Flame Developed by the US and Israel, House Judiciary Committee reauthorizes FISA Amendments Act, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: An anonymous official confirmed that United States and Israel jointly developed the Flame spying malware. More here. The Veterans Affairs Department would need a staff of 4,000 to scan and digitize its backlogged paper records. More here. The House Judiciary Committee reauthorized the FISA Amendments ActRead… Read more »

Can a Government-wide Mentorship Program Really Work?

Last fall, GovLoop kicked off a first-of-its-kind type of government mentors program, where participants from different locations, agencies, and levels of government could come together and share experiences and expertise. An article about this program was just published in the summer edition of The Public Manager, and we encourage you to check it out! SinceRead… Read more »

Open311: A Foundation for Municipal Collaboration

One of the most common – and important – ways that citizens interact with their government is through the reporting of non-emergency issues in their neighborhoods. How effectively governments manage these requests for service is critical to fostering stable neighborhoods and confidence in municipal leadership. Since it was first adopted in Baltimore in the mid-1990’s,Read… Read more »

Lessons in Designing Collaborative Networks

What works when developing a cross-agency collaborative network? A six-year long study of 266 existing collaborative networks of public safety organizations distills valuable lessons for how to design and sustain similar networks in other policy arenas. Professors Jane Fedorowicz and Steve Sawyer have authored a new report, “Designing Collaborative Networks: Lessons Learned from Public Safety,”Read… Read more »

What You Can Learn from HHS Facebook Pages (Part 1 of 3)

By Eric Diaz. Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. It’s not just the private sector jumping on the social media bandwagon. Government agencies are using the robust Facebook platform to reach the public too. This is the first installment of three in a series about the US Department of Health and Human Services’sRead… Read more »