Yearly Archives: 2012

John Shoraka on what the SBA is doing to help small businesses in contracting: Victory In Procurement

After speaker Allison Silver at the Victory In Procurement event was up, John Shoraka of the Small Business Administration was up to speak. The Small Business Administration provides many great resources for small businesses looking to acquire government contracts, including counseling, access to capital, and contracts themselves. The counseling and other similar services as providedRead… Read more »

Getting started with government contracting: Allison Silver, Victory In Procurement event

This past Friday, I attended the event, “Victory in Procurement: Grow Your Business through Government Contracting.” It featured awards for outstanding government contractors as well as several breakout sessions and speeches from people in government and small business owners alike. The event started with Allison Silver of American Express OPEN, which hosted the event, givingRead… Read more »

What’s Your Big Idea Mayor?

There are 1,300 Mayors of U.S. Cities with more than 30,000 residents. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is offering $9 million in prizes to these U.S. cities through his charitable foundation (Bloomberg Philanthropies) in a competition for ideas that local governments can use to solve problems. The contest is called the Mayors Challenge and theRead… Read more »

Bring Your Own Device – Can it work in the public sector?

Bring your own device (BYOD) policies are corporate policies that dictate the rules around the use of employees personal tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices for work purposes. Often, a BYOD policy is brought to help manage IT costs or are developed out of a recognition that employees will be using personal assets for businessRead… Read more »

Is the Sky Falling on Government Contractors?

In many ways, the government contractor community is in a state of uncertainly with pending budget cuts in this austere environment. When reading the news, it often feels like Henny Penny is doing all of the reporting and the outlook is very dire. But is the sky actually falling? Market Connections will be releasing thisRead… Read more »

MBR: The Hip Hop Wars by Tricia Rose

I decided I was going to read a book a week for a year, here’s a quick review of this week’s book. You can see the ongoing list here. Basic Info The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop–And Why It Matters by Tricia Rose Why I read itRead… Read more »