Yearly Archives: 2012

Infographic: 16 Ways Microsoft Office 365 Trumps Google Apps For Teachers

Tony Tai (Redmond, WA) — More than ever, a modern education depends on technology in the classroom. Excellent teachers work to engage, educate, and challenge their best students and prepare them for the 21st-century workplace. We at Microsoft prepared an infographic showing how Microsoft Office 365 matches up against Google Apps for many common educationalRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 15, 2012

The Round-up welcomes its newest contributor, Michael Keegan. Also: due to vacations at the Center, the next round-up will be posted on June 29. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.0 in Cities and States: On Govfresh, Luke Fretwell interviews Jonathan Reichental, CIO of Palo Alto, asking him about his “‘digital city’ vision.” Matthew Hall writes in CivicRead… Read more »

Summer Rejuvenation

The interns have arrived. They’re full of energy and enthusiasm – and great ideas. During their first week we told them all about Code for America, and they told us about their adventures making their way out to San Francisco. It seems they’ve arrived at the perfect time to infuse some energy into the office.Read… Read more »

Head of NSA Endorses the Cloud, China Tied to Cyber Attacks, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, endorsed using the cloud for sharing classified intelligence on cyber threats with critical industries. More here. A MeriTalk survey finds that federal employees blame training and investment for the gap between public andRead… Read more »

New Research Survey: Federal Digital Communication Priorities

How can your agency improve its digital communication strategy? Is expanding engagement with external stakeholders your # 1 priority? What is the impact of social media? GovDelivery is conducting a new research study, “Federal Digital Communication Priorities.” The study seeks to identify the top digital communication priorities of the Federal Government sector. Please take aRead… Read more »

Here is the Half Truth: Executives Don’t Know What is Going On

She says, he says An article in the Washington Post of June 13 titled “Ex-loan officer claims Wells Fargo targeted black communities for shoddy loans” includes a number of “he said, she said” claims. In this case “she” is Beth Jacobson, who worked as a loan officer for Wells Fargo. Amongst other things she claimsRead… Read more »