Yearly Archives: 2012

Q&A: Robert Derby of Sage Communications Discusses Why Agencies Like GSA Need Targeted Marketing to Save Taxpayer Dollars

As government agencies are continually under the microscope when it comes to the most effective use of taxpayer dollars, it is critical to make sure that all marketing efforts are targeted and offer the most ROI. The editorial team of FedConnects recently connected with Robert Derby, Senior Vice President, Branding and Marketing Communications at SageRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Data Act hits a roadblock with OMB

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 13th of June, 2012 Congress is staying mum on the possibility of a federal pay raise. Government Executive says a Senate Appropriations subcommittee marked up its fiscal 2013 Financial Services and General Government spending bill. But just like the House panel, the Senate bill didn’tRead… Read more »

San Diego County opts for Windows Azure to host and manage their Emergency Management System

Windows Azure recently underwent a complete facelift, making it easier to manage your cloud environment as well as offering a host of new features and functionality, including support for Linux and various open source applications freely available through an easy to use (and install) directory. For smaller government agencies, it makes all the sense inRead… Read more »

5 Take-Aways from Personal Democracy Forum

This Monday and Tuesday I was at the Personal Democracy Forum in NYC – leading conference on convergence of technology and politics/government/non-profit. 700+ folks in the non-profit, political, and government realm. I learned a ton and met lots of interesting people. Here are 5 nuggets that I gleamed from the 2 days: 1) 1/3 ofRead… Read more »

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Great White flashback to 1987 – Is he wearing a robe? To my wife’s dismay, this is not a post about the 80’s hair band, Great White. (Thank goodness!) This is about project communication and estimation. Mark had done his best. Being new to project teams, he tried to estimate his tasks as well asRead… Read more »

WRU: Links Worth Clicking

In an effort to again renew the old weekly-round-up (WRU) I bring you a small list of links worth clicking: Public Sector “Bureaucrats at odds over release of postal code data” “First wave of 2,200 federal public servants faces layoffs” “Fed bureaucrats collected $1.2 billion in severance without being laid off” “Public servantsRead… Read more »

Digital visions

I spend a fair bit of time talking to local councils and the like about taking a strategic approach to digital stuff, although usually it is mostly around engagement, and a bit of communications. It’s important – simply to know what you want to achieve and why. As soon as you have those things figureRead… Read more »