Yearly Archives: 2012

Stuxnet Leak Investigation, 23% Cuts to the DHS CIO’s Budget, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has announced an investigation into leaks including the U.S. involvement in Stuxnet. More here. The Senate Armed Services Committee asks the Department of Defense to improve its ability to collect and analyze network flow data records. More here. A new policyRead… Read more »

Keeping the Jargon Out of Public Communication

Every field has its specialized vocabulary, and public administration is no exception. There is value to this shorthand, commonly referred to as jargon. We can communicate more efficiently and readily identify kindred spirits. The disadvantages seep in when we use professional jargon for public consumption. When specialized language is used in articles or speeches writtenRead… Read more »

Federal Perspective: What a career in and around the federal government looks like

Welcome to a Special Edition of the DorobekINSIDER. Chris Dorobek is currently moderating a panel at Google’s Innovation Nation. Innovation Nation brings together 200 government CIOs to discuss and debate what the future holds for the work of government employees and to help CIOs transform their agencies with technologies that allow their employees to workRead… Read more »

Help us map innovations in public engagement in California!

For those of you who have held public engagement programs in California, here’s an opportunity to get your work in front of funders, public administrators, fellow civic innovators, and others… NCDD is collaborating with the New America Foundation’s newly-launched California Civic Innovation Project (CCIP) to create a map of public engagement projects that have happened,Read… Read more »

In Review: 2012 Stanford Mobile Health Conference

The following is a guest post from Doug Naegele recapping major points from the recent Mobile Health Conference that took place at Stanford. Doug is the founder of Infield Health, a firm that builds mobile technology to help people adhere to medical and wellness programs. You can learn more at or follow @InfieldHealth. TheRead… Read more »