Yearly Archives: 2012

Living on a cloud

While despatched on a mission of digital mercy a few weeks ago Mr Briggs (of this parish) and I fell to comparing our computers. Or rather he fell to ridiculing my rather ancient Samsung laptop (seven years old I think, it doesn’t like to process video, original power supply fell apart and it now boastsRead… Read more »

After online $h1tstorm German credit bureau drops Facebook research project

The German credit rating company Schufa announced this week the plan to start a research project analyzing citizen data posted on Facebook to triangulate it with their credit rating. Schufa, a corporation that works for large credit card companies, banks, merchants, etc., collects information about their clients’ clients (you and I) and basically rates theirRead… Read more »

AFGE Comm. Squad hears Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow

This Wednesday, June 6, several members of the AFGE Comm Squad attended the event “Celebrating 25 Years of Service: The Honorable Nancy Pelosi” at the Sewall-Belmont House & Museum. The event featured a moderated conversation with MSNBC’S Rachel Maddow and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who recently celebrated her 25th anniversary of congressional service. Pelosi is theRead… Read more »

Moving Parts

I was having lunch with a friend who is the Assistant Deputy Director to the Deputy Assistant Director, after she came back from vacation. In a week off, she realized that many of the offices around hers are vacant, and that while once safely in the midst of the horde, she had been exposed byRead… Read more »

Print and be damned

The private sector, as everybody knows, has clear and customer-friendly systems and services, because the customer is king. The public sector, on the other hand, revels in the obscure and incomprehensible because… well, just because. And so it was with a light heart that I set out to fix a security flaw in my printerRead… Read more »

Ideas For Increasing Voting Rates

In 2010 only 36 percent of adults voted in New York State. To increse participation in voting, the Voter Empowerment Act of New York has been introduced in the New York State Legislature. If enacted the legislation will: • Allow citizens to register to vote at more government agencies. • Allow 16- and 17-year-olds toRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 08, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Social Media: Useless and indispensable? Naomi Simson writes a contrarian post titled “Face it – social media is not the answer to customer engagement” which juxtaposes nicely with “Social Media Customer Service Faces a High Bar,” an article that demonstrates how customers expect a response through social media within 24 hours. How muchRead… Read more »

True Blood Star Janina Gavankar On Being A Geek Girl In Hollywood

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — You may recognize actress Janina Gavankar from her role on the popular HBO series True Blood, whose fifth season premiere happens this Sunday. But she’s also recognizable for her activities online, using Twitter and other social media and apps to interact with her friends and fans and promote her professionalRead… Read more »