Yearly Archives: 2012

GovBytes: Run-of-the-mill malware still poses huge cybersecurity threat

As of late, we’ve all heard of the threat of new, advanced, nation-state sponsored viruses like Stuxnet and Flame. But it’s important not to forget the risk posed by run-of-the-mill malware to our machines and personal information. McAfee’s latest threat report suggest that this year is shaping up to be one of increased risk online,Read… Read more »

How one feds is making inroads on nuclear proliferation and is big data a fad or something more?

On today’s DorobekINSIDER We often talk about the challenges of government work — and one of the real challenges is measuring results. Today, we’re going to introduce you to somebody who works on one of the most challenging issues — nuclear proliferation. That work has made her a finalist for the Service to America MedalsRead… Read more »

Confusion Surrounding Social Media Monitoring

Here are some verbatim responses I often get when asking clients the following question: “Have you ever monitored social media while at work?” “social media monitoring is not our responsibility, it’s done by the [comms/web/IT] people]” “we have a social media monitoring tool gathering info for us” “we already do media monitoring” “our [branch/department/organization] doesn’tRead… Read more »

Avoiding Business Development Budgeting Pitfalls and Proposal Cost Cutting Blunders

As a proposal manager getting a proposal plan approved, I always found it difficult to get my management to approve a budget that was based on 40-hour weeks for employees and 50, 60, or even 70-hour weeks for consultants. It just didn’t look good: a consultant often cost more per hour than an employee, andRead… Read more »

Connery got the job done at the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit

In post 9/11 world, securing nuclear materials and safeguarding them from non-governmental actors is as important as ever. In 2010, President Obama hosted 50 world leaders in Washington, DC at the Nuclear Security Summit. The gathering was the largest of world leaders since the creation of the United Nations in 1945. Joyce Connery, the currentRead… Read more »

Big data is great — BUT only when the information is accurate

Big Data — it’s the latest buzz word making its way across government. “Trends emerge and they get labeled. Provider flock to the new label, align themselves and say, ‘look we’ve always been doing this,’” says Paul Wohlleben the President of Wohlleben consulting and a former federal CIO. But what really is Big Data? WohllebenRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Another year of federal pay freezes?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 7th of June, 2012 A House spending panel has approved a bill that would freeze pay for another year. The Federal Times says the financial services and general government appropriations bill is now headed to the full House Appropriations Committee, where it is expected toRead… Read more »

Now, this is a leap in the right direction!

Last week, I put a few thoughts together regarding the newly published Digital Government Strategy. Imagine my surprise when I received a Tweet from Mr. Macon Phillips, White House Director of New Media. Mr. Phillips asked me about my thoughts on a new program called the Presidential Innovation Fellows – MyGov. I have to admit,Read… Read more »

New research: Nearly 15 Percent of Work Email Is Gossip

New research: Nearly 15 Percent of Work Email Is Gossip When leaders “embargo” or “close hold” information about upcoming changes, I try to explain the conversations are already happening. The question is—do you want to be a participant? Here are data that show “negative” gossip, characterized through a Natural Language Text Processing analysis, was inRead… Read more »

Are Government Contractors Doing Enough to Differentiate Themselves?

Without a doubt, the next 12 to 24 months will be a period where government contractors need to be even more competitive – chasing after fewer and smaller contracting opportunities. Many are already seeing this as a particularly challenging time. As the market for winning new contracts and holding on to existing ones becomes moreRead… Read more »