Yearly Archives: 2012

Stages of Innovation

Innovation is not “out there,” it’s a process. Looking at it historically, technologically, geographically, and developmentally can make innovation familiar and straightforward. Innovation in the United States in the 1700’s, was often British mechanics emigrating to make their fortune, building other people’s inventions they had learned in Britain. The work was often pirated tools forRead… Read more »

Agencies Developing More Comprehensive Mobile Strategies and Policies

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The rise of mobile technology in the government sector has allowed government employees to be more nimble and effective. Though with increased mobility comes greater challenges for those in charge of implementing mobile applications, such as Roger Baker, CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). TheRead… Read more »

GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest resource, The GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government. In this report, we interviewed 11 government employees and conducted an online survey of 138 government employees from our GovLoop community. Customer service is a core function of government. With government customers having heightened expectations of the levelRead… Read more »

6.5 million LinkedIn passwords leaked online, change yours!

According to several links on LinkedIn, 6.5 million passwords have been leaked. Considering that there are about 100 million LinkedIn users, that’s a pretty high chance your (or my) passwords were leaked. I’d recommend changing your passwords not just on LinkedIn but for any account that shares that password. Change Your LinkedIn Passwords, Right Now!

Information Development Specialist, NIEHS/NIH/HHS, Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina

Applications are being accepted for an Information Development Specialist, GS-1001-12 in the Office of Communication and Public Liaison, OD, NIEHS. Open to all U.S. Citizens Open Government wide //forwarded from an email. This repost is not the official posting.

“Games 4 Health” Webinar Juxtaposes Gamification With Healthly Lifestyles

Arundhati Parmar (Minneapolis, MN) — Video games conjure up images of couch potatoes shooting up aliens. But “gaming” has advanced far beyond that, often pushing the limits of how technology interfaces with the human body and mind. The recent Games 4 Health webinar discussed the many ways in which gaming is influencing people’s health andRead… Read more »

How Aussies are using social media – latest Sensis report

Thanks to a tip off from John Sheridan at GovCamp yesterday, I’m happy to report that the latest Sensis figures on social media use by Australians are out – and the numbers have continued to increase. Sensis reports that 62% of online Australians are using social media, with 97% using Facebook – roughly the sameRead… Read more »

Announcing Textizen – Citizen feedback for the digital age.

Citizen feedback is essential to a healthy democracy. But holding in-person meetings can be expensive, time-consuming, and often don’t capture representative feedback. For many residents — such as those who work hours other than 9-to-5 — the two+ hours required to attend a community meeting in person can be a significant barrier to participation. AfterRead… Read more »

LuzSec May Be Back, The DoE’s Cybersecurity Model, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Energy has published its Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model as a guide to cybersecurity for utilities. More here. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) will begin taking applications on Wednesday for security certificates to provide cloud services to the federalRead… Read more »