Yearly Archives: 2012

Brigade Spotlight: Open San Diego

Jed Sundwall talks Open San Diego’s creation story, deploying an Open Data Catalog with 400+ city datasets, and the need for promotion. How do you tell the origin story of Open San Diego? I’d been working on social media strategies for and and got a front row seat to a lot of theRead… Read more »

Civic Tech is Not Alone: Connecting with Local Knowledge

Problem: Limited glass recycling options in New Orleans Engagement: 169 Neighbors posted on Neighborland that they “want the ability to recycle glass in New Orleans.” Solution: Local business, Phoenix Recycling, discussed this desire on Neighborland and launched a program to collect local glass to use for construction projects. In my very biased assessment (I workRead… Read more »

Help Us Find The Most Virtuous, Mission-Focused Enterprise IT

Our sister site,, hosts a curated list of firms we believe provide the most virtuous, mission-focused, positively disruptive technologies available to enterprises today. We maintain this directory as a reference for technology professionals. We find firms to include on this list by casting a wide net. We talk with other technology professionals from aroundRead… Read more »

The Strongest Tribe: Issues of power in cyberspace

Mikko Hypponen has a mea culpa about Flame that is worth reading. The F-Secure chief believes that antivirus companies, including his own, failed to detect Flame and that this failure has broader implications: The truth is, consumer-grade antivirus products can’t protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets. They can protect youRead… Read more »

Livestream of tweets from GovCamp Canberra 2012

I’m not liveblogging today, but am capturing tweets via the liveblog below. To follow GovCamp online visit <p><p><p><p><a href=”″ >GovCamp Canberra 2012</a></p></p></p></p> Photos from GovCamp Information Commissioner John McMillan’s opening address as a cartoon at GovCamp The first two presenters in the Leading Case Studies panel at GovCamp GovCamp’s resident cartoonist hard at workRead… Read more »

Livestream of tweets from GovCamp Canberra 2012

I’m not liveblogging today, but am capturing tweets via the liveblog below. To follow GovCamp online visit <p><a href=”″ >GovCamp Canberra 2012</a></p> eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post

Recovering from the Recovery Act: Part 4

While “austerity” is the buzz word in the federal government today, just three years ago the government had launched a massive recovery operation to stem the tide of what looked like a bottomless recession by spending $787 billion as fast as possible. How did career feds make it happen right? While there are debates asRead… Read more »

Regardless of the speed of change in our “modern” times, the idea of planning for the longer term remains a critical endeavor, perhaps even more critical than ever before because of the tools for rapid communications which help us to transcend time and space as never before. As thinking creatures we plan by nature; indeed,Read… Read more »

GovBytes: Calif. Towns IT Department likely to be Ousted by Bank Repossession

The city of Stockton, California is in dire fiscal straits, as recently evidenced by Wells Fargo’s impending repossession of a property purchased by the city in 2007. The property is partly housed by Stockton’s IT department. A San Joaquin County Superior Court judge ruled that Wells Fargo can move forward with repossession the property afterRead… Read more »