Yearly Archives: 2012

Implementation of the Digital Government Strategy

from’s blog: Building a Better Digital Government The new Digital Government Strategy released by the White House aims to drive fundamental change in how we manage digital information and services to better serve the American people. There’s been a robust discussion online about the Strategy and what it means for government–which is itself aRead… Read more »

New Chromebooks – worth the bother?

Google have announced a new model of their Chromebook – the web only laptop that runs their Chrome operating system, which essentially consists of a browser and not much else. As well as the laptop, there’s now a desktop machine too – which is rather reminiscent of the Mac Mini. Both look like nice bitsRead… Read more »

Mobile America: Evolving Technology For Increasingly Mobile Citizens

Nandita Pinisetti (Chicago, IL) – Microsoft’s public sector developer evangelism group launched a U.S.-focused mobile app development campaign called MOBILE AMERICA in May, 2012. The concept is to bring patriotic citizens together with technological developers in order to create new and innovative software for civic good and fundamentally change how government interacts with its constituents.Read… Read more »

A MILE Ahead

The irrepressible Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud (a.k.a. “3M” to his many friends and business contacts) weaves a bracing mix of past and future and business insight into every ten-minute presentation. As I sat listening to 3M welcome a group of CEO’s from the likes of Siemens, the Ulker-Turkey conglomerate and Jordan’s Hikmah Pharma group toRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The learning organization: an often-described, but seldom-observed phenomenon | Harold Jarche – “What should a true learning organisation look like?” Connecting and engaging inside your organisation – “Social networks are inherently bottom up and user powered. In IBM, BlueIQ worked because it had buy-in from theRead… Read more »

Global public engagement awards for 2012 open for entry

If you’ve been involved in public engagement or public participation over the last twelve months, it is worth checking out the International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) global Core Values Awards for 2012. Open now for entry, the IAP2’s Core Values Awards recognise the best public participation activities by organisations from around the world, basedRead… Read more »

Survey on Cloud Computing in the Public Sector – for a Graduate School Research Project

I am asking you to devote a few minutes to complete an online survey at The survey is designed to gain information on key factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing services in the public sector. The information sought is for a thesis research project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.Individual responses will remainRead… Read more »

Is Your Food Good, Yes?

I was asked once to review some automated programming services a state was offering. Funny thing, there was a statement that said, “If someone is available to answer your call, they will–if not call call later.” Good customer service? Someone thought so. I was appalled. This has to do with both customer service and training.Read… Read more »