Yearly Archives: 2012

OMB’s Push for Evidence-Based Budgeting Reinforces Value of Program Performance Research

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) just issued a memo calling for all federal agencies to submit evidence-based budgets that will prove program performance. According to the memo, “Agencies should demonstrate the use of evidence throughout their Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 budget submissions. Budget submissions also should include a separate section on agencies’ mostRead… Read more »

One of the Hottest Tickets in Washington DC – World Green Energy Symposium, June 21, 2012

The nation’s capital will play host to the world’s top sustainable energy experts from both the public and the private sector who will provide information on policies, case studies, innovative products, contracting and funding opportunities. The economic opportunities and the power of new energy will be unveiled in Washington, DC on June 21st at theRead… Read more »

“Older” Job Seekers are Nabbing the Jobs!

Did you know according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the first quarter of 2012 shows that 788,000 people over 55 (67%) nabbed the jobs … compared to 385,000 new jobs for younger workers? Welcome news for older adults, but it could be they are taking jobs “beneath” their skill level and pay grade justRead… Read more »

GovLoop Community Manager Andy Krzmarzick joins CityCamp Raleigh on Friday, June 1

That’s right, you heard it here first. GovLoop’s very own Andy Krzmarzick will be dropping some open government knowledge in Raleigh, NC when he joins the Government Perspective panel at CityCamp Raleigh this week. Let’s see what else is in store… Here’s a peak at the agenda for Friday, June 1. Lunch will be providedRead… Read more »

Theory of Constraints 101

I’m a Theory of Constraints (TOC) enthusiast. I use the concepts of project and feeder buffers to different degrees in my own projects. These are from Critical Chain, which is TOC applied to project management. The techniques really help you get a grip on Parkinson’s and Student syndrome and have early warning signals when thingsRead… Read more »


In everything we do we need to think differently, to do things the way nobody expects us to, to never accept that the way everyone else does something is the right way, and to do everything with the ultimate aim of producing a social good in some form. Original post

Charles “Chic” Naumer: Technology for Do-Gooders

This post is part of an ongoing series about civic startups. What’s a civic startup? Find out. Code for America recently launched a civic startup accelerator to help promote and “turbo charge” civic startups. We’re accepting applications for the accelerator now through June 1, 2012. Apply: Charles “Chic” Naumer is the Principal and Co-founderRead… Read more »

The SASC’s NDAA, White House Initiative Against Botnets, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved its version of the National Defense Authorization Act which would aim to recruit young people to work in cybersecurity, develop a Department of Defense cyber testing and evaluation range, consolidate networks, improve the security specifications of DoD software, andRead… Read more »