Yearly Archives: 2012

Draft Presidential Executive Order on Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

By BobGourley The TechAmerica foundation has published a PDF which appears to be a draft executive order on improving cybersecurity for our nation’s critical infrastructure. You can download a copy here: Executive Order: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyersecurity There is no way to confirm whether or not this PDF really contains the text being coordinated inRead… Read more »

Expectations of Intelligence from the Intelligence Community in the Information Age

By BobGourley Friends and professional associates at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) have published a white paper which should be of high interest to anyone in the intelligence community or in policy-making positions in the national security community. The paper, titled Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, is a quick read thatRead… Read more »

TSP Talk 12/01/12

It was another positive week for stocks last week as a dramatic reversal on Wednesday turned what looked like a breakdown into a bullish “outside day” and the indices were able to hang onto those gains through Friday. Here are the TSP fund returns for the week of November 26 through November 30. All ofRead… Read more »

ParticipateDB: Now Under Creative Commons License

ParticipateDB ( is a collaborative catalogue for online participation tools and one of the world’s most comprehensive resources of its kind. We finally got around to putting it under a Creative Commons license. Read yesterday’s announcement here: Creative Commons If you know of any tools, projects or resources that are missing, please let usRead… Read more »

Top 3 Things We’re Looking Forward to at mHealth Summit

The following is a guest post from mobile health entrepreneur and thought leader, Douglas Naegele. Doug is the Founder and CEO of Infield Health, located in Washington, DC. Follow them on Twitter @InfieldHealth. ————- As the HIMSS Mobile Health Summit starts next week, there are three things I’m excited to hear progress about: 1. TakingRead… Read more »


I’m not sure who got more out of our time together, Miguelito, my employees, or me. He was nine when I met him. Both of his parents were serious alcoholics. I was stationed overseas and living by myself in a modest two bedroom concrete house in the mountains. Miguelito (Spanish for “Little Michael”), like theRead… Read more »

Some Agencies, Like the Department of Interior (DOI), Standout When it Comes to Effective Information Management

The DOI is implementing a department-wide records management and electronic archiving solution, powered by the cloud. The move is expected to reduce manual processes related to printing and filing by 42% in the first two years. Check out OpenText’s infographic for more info about ECM-amazing agencies. Link to Web:

Improving Organizational Morale

Below is an article I wrote for ASTD on the above topic: Virtually everyone seems to agree that great organizations generally have high morale. After all, when morale is high, the employees tend to have more energy and greater focus on achieving the organization’s goals. Conversely, when morale is low, employees seem to have lessRead… Read more »

The Value Landscape

The key to successful IT and EA There is a shift afoot in the Information Technology (IT) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) worlds towards portfolio based thinking. Organizations are keying in on the cost savings they can achieve by using a solution, like that put forward by Troux, ( in order to realize what is inRead… Read more »