Yearly Archives: 2012

Mobile and the Digital Gov’t Strategy, one fed works to end to bullying and the little black book of innovation

On Today’s Program: Does mobile government have a place in the new Digital Government Strategy? Yes, says Tom Suder the President of MobileGov. We’ll continue our series talking to the finalists for the Service to America Medal winners — the SAMMIES — we’ll talk to a fed who was bullied as a kid and sheRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Big Data Webinar

The EIGHT stories that impact your life for Wednesday May 30th, 2012 The pay freeze is effecting federal employee satisfaction. ThePartnership for Public Service said it was no surprise, considering pay was frozen for two years. The non-profit says the attitudes of highly-paid government employees dropped more than those who aren’t paid as well. SeniorRead… Read more »

Federally Employed Women (FEW) National Training Program this July in Detroit

Just a reminder… Federally Employed Women (FEW) will host our 43rd National Training Program (NTP), in Detroit, Michigan, July 16-20, 2012, at the downtown Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan. The theme is “Wheels of Change Keep on Moving!” Based on our commitment to improving opportunities, this year’s training has been designed toRead… Read more »

ConnectedCOPS Awards Nominations Due May 31 for Outstanding Use of Social Media by Law Enforcement

Nominate your Law Enforcement agency or another Law Enforcement agency for outstanding use of social media – nominations are due tomorrow night – May, 31, 2012! Nominate your agency or another now! There are six categories: ConnectedCOPS Award of Excellence at a Large Agency ConnectedCOPS Award of Excellence at a Small Agency ConnectedCOPS Leadership AwardRead… Read more »

GovLoop Online Chat: How To Leverage Big Data to Improve Services

GovLoop, the social knowledge network for public sector professionals, is one of the most virtuous members of the Gov2.0 ecosystem. Their support of the community demonstrates, on a daily basis, their dedication to a simple mission: They want to connect government to improve government. If you share the GovLoop goals and can contribute to thisRead… Read more »

5 Steps to Being More Productive: Read This Quickly (Then Get Back to Work)

“Social media did not create the problem of distraction, but it is clearly an amplifier. Indeed, a study [PDF] by Clifford Nass et al. at Stanford showed that heavy media multitaskers are more susceptible to interference from irrelevant environmental stimuli than light media multitaskers. Heavy multitasking may encourage even heavier multitasking because it leads toRead… Read more »

The US Government’s Digital Strategy: The New Benchmark and Some Lessons

Last week the White House launched its new roadmap for digital government. This included the publication of Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People (PDF version), the issuing of a Presidential directive and the announcement of White House Innovation Fellows. In other words, it was a big week forRead… Read more »

Picking on Feds? “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

One of our favorite movies here at Who is the IG? is Network, a 1976 movie about a floundering evening news program that is about to be canceled due to low ratings. The anchor, so upset that he is going to be fired in two weeks, resorts to announcing that he will commit suicide onRead… Read more »