Yearly Archives: 2012


I taught 9 classes in Bahrain to US Navy Sailors a few weeks ago. We discovered these 9 major problems with applying for a federal job online over and over again! If you have other problems with the automated application systems, please write comments here. I will forward your suggestions to our USAJOBS point ofRead… Read more »

Career Ladders Inc Produced a New Catalog (GSA Schedule) to Assist Veterans in Transition!

Since 2002, Career Ladders Inc. has been providing workshops on a variety of job search and resume writing services. The focus of the business in assisting federal employees, professionals in different career fields, and veterans seeking career transition advice and guidance in finding a career goal. This dynamic corporation is now sharing and expanding theirRead… Read more »

Taking email seriously

I’ve just written a wrap-up post over on the Mailcamp site about Thursday’s Mailcamp12 event at the NAO, which saw over 80 people discuss email marketing, newsletters and alerts with similarly smart folk from across and beyond the public sector. As I say there: For me, it felt like the conversation had moved on aRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – 05/19/12

Worst week of the year The stock market and the TSP stock funds experienced a precipitous decline last week with barely a notice of any kind of relief rally. The buyers have gone on vacation apparently, while the trouble in Europe dictates the action. Here are the TSP fund returns for the week of MayRead… Read more »

A Lesson From the First Cyber Cops

On Wednesday, May 16, I had the pleasure of attending the Atlantic Council’s ”Lessons from Our Cyber Past: The First Cyber Cops” discussion moderated by Jason Healey, the director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative and featuring Steven R. Chabinsky, Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Cyber and the former Senior Counsel of the FBI’sRead… Read more »

New mobile number

A service announcement this… I have a new mobile number. If you need it, drop me an email. Possibly related posts: Galaxy Nexus Bookmarks for March 30th through April 5th Original post

Chinese Cyber Espionage, Warrants for GPS Data, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Justice are considering China Mobile’s license for providing international information service in the United States over concerns about cybersecurity and spying. More here. Law enforcement and civil liberties groups debated a bill requiring aRead… Read more »