Yearly Archives: 2012

GovBytes: Cyber-Crime Grew in 2011

Crime on the Internet is trending up, which is no surprise with the explosive growth of the Internet. Cyber-crime complaints were up 3.4 percent in 2011 from 2010 according to the latest latest Report on Internet Crime by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI, White Collar CrimeRead… Read more »

The Transparent Hypocrisy of Ethical Oil – who is really laudering money

The other week the Canadian Minister of the Environment, Peter Kent accused Canadian Charities of “laundering money” because they accept some funds from outside the country. This is all been part of a larger effort – championed by Ethical Oil – to discredit Canada’s environmental organizations. As an open government and transparency in politics advocateRead… Read more »

Do Members of Congress Have Security Clearances?

Here’s a bit of “inside Washington” trivia to pass around the office today – do members of congress have security clearances? The topic of security clearance for elected officials has long been a complex one. Members of congress – even those in sensitive committee positions – do not receive or obtain security clearances in theRead… Read more »

The First Cybercops

Yesterday I attended a discussion put on by the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative. The event, “Lessons from our Cyber Past: The First Cyber Cops,” featured a panel that included: Steven Chabinsky, Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Division, FBI; Shawn Henry, former Executive Assistant Director, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, FBI; Christopher Painter, Coordinator forRead… Read more »

A conversation with Alissa Black on the California Civic Innovation Project

On Tuesday (May 15th), NCDD hosted a call open to dues-paying NCDD members who live or work in California. My colleague Alissa Black, who recently left Code for America to head up the New America Foundation‘s new project, the California Civic Innovation Project (CCIP), was interested in discussing the project with NCDD members. Alissa wasRead… Read more »

How one Fed gets Americans out of danger overseas, Keeping your career morale and how Canada’s improving political dialogue

 On the program today for Thursday May 17, 2012

 When times are tough — there is a terrible situation overseas… Egypt, Syria, Haiti — we’re going to talk to the person who helps Americans get out of danger… and she is a SAMMIES finalist.
 Keeping your morale up as you focus on your careerRead… Read more »

Trouble Abroad: Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Sammies Finalist Michelle Bernier-Toth!

Being tasked with people’s safety is no small calling, especially when the people are across borders in sometimes hostile countries. When a crisis happens overseas, it’s Michelle Bernier-Toth’s job as managing director of Overseas Citizens Services at the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular
 Affairs to contact US nationals and get them out of theRead… Read more »