Yearly Archives: 2012

Microsoft’s Geek 2 Chic: LA Makes Silicon Beach The Center Of the Geeky Fundraiser Universe

Mark Drapeau (Los Angeles, CA) — On Thursday, May 10th, Microsoft and Bloomingdale’s brought their popular “Geek 2 Chic” charity fashion show series to the west coast’s Silicon Beach. A mix of local entrepreneurs and tech-savvy professionals served as models, and between ticket sales and 10% of Bloomingdale’s purchases, thousands of dollars were raised forRead… Read more »

So You Survived The Job Cuts – A Survivor’s Guide

What a rough past month it has been for public servants from across Canada. All told, around 12,000 notices have gone out to public servants represented by the Public Service Commission. Personally, I am unaffected by the recent job cuts. During these tough times, it is hard to not feel survivor’s guilt as the processRead… Read more »

MBR: Policy Paradox by Deborah Stone Part 2

I decided I was going to read a book a week for a year, here’s a quick review of this week’s book. You can see the ongoing list here. Basic Info Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making by Deborah Stone Part 2 … This week took a bit longer to finish, here isRead… Read more »

Microsoft Presents a Vision of the Future

Here is a Microsoft vision piece mean to show us some ways that future technologies can help us make better use of our time and get things done. It is a pretty cool video that can help us think through requirements for what we want out of the future. It features several devices, including aRead… Read more »

Change Is Good;Bureaucracy Is Not

Andrew Cuomo as Governor of New York State talks a lot about reducing the cost of government and operating government more efficiently. Cuomo has done some good things like forming the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission. I applaud Cuomo for seeking to address government spending and efficiency but believe that he has made a mistakeRead… Read more »

Cyber Physical Systems Virtual Organization Holds National Symposium on Moving Target Research 11 June 2012

On 11 June 2012 the Cyber Physical Systems Virtual Organization will be holding a symposium on Moving Target Research. In this context, think of Moving Target as meaning the creation of a dynamic attack surface to adversaries done in a way that dramatically increases the work factor required to successfully attack a system. This cybersecurityRead… Read more »

Flood Zone Game

Over the last several months, I’ve been working on a drainage course built on the 3D GameLab platform. The purpose of the course is to offer people information about drainage and flooding so they can better understand these issues and how to protect themselves and their property. The 3D GameLab framework, developed by Boise StateRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – 05/12/12

Charts breaking down while indicators turn positive We had some red flags to deal with coming into this past week and the market acted like it. The TSP stock funds all finished in the red as the bulls were not able to hold onto any attempts at a rally. Here are the TSP fund returnsRead… Read more »