Yearly Archives: 2012

Political appointees — A guide to ward off pitfalls and challenges

The November elections are quickly approaching, and no matter who wins, the next term means a whole new crop of political appointees will be joining government.
 The challenges facing those appointees are vast — especially in the first two years.
 Paul Lawrence is a Principal at Ernst and Young. In his new book,
 Paths toRead… Read more »

Service Contract Inventories: Missed Opportunities For Transparency

Last month, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report in April 2012 detailing a continuing issue at the Department of Defense (DoD) that is not foreign across government; the lack of transparency when it come to service contracts. The GAO report looks at two issues inherent in the struggles at DoD; lack ofRead… Read more »

Social Networks: If You Build It, Will they Come?

By: Grant Asplund Originally posted on Federal Blue Print In an age where technology is changing in the blink of an eye, there is one thing we know for certain: social media applications and networks are here to stay. While old technologies such as voice and instant messenger persist, more and more agencies are integratingRead… Read more »

The 3 V’s of big data — What are they and how do they impact you?

Big data it’s the new buzz word taking over government. But what is it? How should you prepare your agency to harness its powers?
 Thor Olavsrud is a senior writer at CIO. He’s outlined the role of big data with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program.

 Olavsrud says there are 3 V’s to bidRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: A cure for the Postal Services woes?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 10th of May, 2012 The Pentagon is changing its definition of an insider threats in hopes of rooting out threats earlier and easier. Secrecy News reports, the new definition calls an insider a someone who engages in unauthorized disclosures of information or other activities deemedRead… Read more »

Six Ways Evangelists Can Promote Like Sports Illustrated Supermodel Kate Upton

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – Recently, I wrote an essay about how the open government movement could do a better job of engaging mainstream media, and more specifically how the simultanous Transparency Camp and White House Correspondents Dinner weekend could make better connections. One criticism of this is that the WHCD is too focused onRead… Read more »

Last day to contribute to NSW State Archive’s Web 2.0 Recordkeeping Survey

The NSW State Archives has been holding a survey on social media use by NSW government organisations to inform the development of an online training course on social media recordkeeping. Your feedback will also help the NSW State Archives to “recommend some specific recordkeeping strategies that will work with both the social media tools thatRead… Read more »