Yearly Archives: 2012

Reaching Critical Communities through News and Social Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Pew Study-Background: “A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and Internet & American Life Project, in partnership with the Knight Foundation, finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) report following local news closely “most of the time, whether or not something important is happening.” In contrast, one-quarterRead… Read more »

Using Video or Audio to Explain and Sell Your Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com This site specializes in public relations and social media for government, associations and nonprofits but the bulk of innovation in the use of video or audio to explain and sell websites comes from the commercial sector. The question is whether non-commercial sites should adopt the same strategies? The bulk of visitors to any websiteRead… Read more »

eDemocracy report from Lowey – US striding ahead

If I were the leader of a nation that wasn’t friends with the US I would be very concerned with the successes of their eDiplomacy program and looking to counter it with my own. And if I was the leader of a friendly nation, I’d still be seeking to carve out my own eDiplomacy space,Read… Read more »

Maxwell School to offer #electionclass on social media during 2012 presidential campaign

Reposted from the Maxwell School’s official press release: In the lead-up to a presidential campaign that promises to capitalize on the internet more than any previous election, a class at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School will allow graduate students to study the role of social media in campaigns and government. In the fall semester, Assistant ProfessorRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: CIA Refused to Waterboard Senator

Whether or not waterboarding is torture is apparently up for debate. What isn’t up for debate, however, is whether or not the CIA feared waterboarding would give Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) a heart attack. In a new book released by former CIA official Jose Rodriguez, he disclosed that the senator requested to be waterboarded, claimingRead… Read more »

Oakland City Council Votes for Open Data Policy

On Monday April 30, 2012, Oakland City Council reviewed an open data policy initiative put forth by city councilmember of the 4th District and Oakland native, Libby Schaff. The open data policy agenda report composed by policy analyst Bruce Stoffmacher, proposes to make raw data sets accessible to the public on a new city dataRead… Read more »

Free copy of Democratizing Deliberation for all Book Club members!

Here’s one more reason to sign up for NCDD’s first online book club… the Kettering Foundation wants to send a free copy of Democratizing Deliberation to all book club members! Sign up at today if you haven’t already. Democratizing Deliberation: A Political Theory Anthology presents cutting-edge political theory on deliberative democracy. Edited by DerekRead… Read more »