Yearly Archives: 2012

Challenges and Solutions for the President’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator nominee: Joe Jordan

Joe Jordan, the man the Obama administration has nominated to be the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy 
is testifying before Senators today. 
It remains unclear if his nomination
 will get through the Senate before election day. But either way the next OFPP administrator will face some tough challenges.
 What are the challengesRead… Read more »

One Important Policy Missing in Open Data

Open data is a huge step towards open government, but it isn’t so easy. There are problems with the decision making process in what becomes public information. John Wonderlich, Policy Director for the Sunlight Foundation spoke with Chris Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER about the missing link in the open data decision making process. Decisions aboutRead… Read more »

Challenges facing gov procurement – and OFPP; recognizing public service; and making open data

 On today’s program for Wednesday May 9th, 2012 The nominee to be the government’s new procurement chief is on Capitol Hill for his confirmation hearing. Joe Jordan isn’t well known — and doesn’t have extensive procurement experience. What should be on his agenda? Insights from the former deputy at the Office of Federal ProcurementRead… Read more »

America’s coolest mayor: John Fretterman is redefining public service motivation IMH!

I watched this amazing video by director Morgan Spurlock (you know the “Supersize Me” guy) on yesterday and was really inspired: Morgan followed John Fretterman, mayor of zip code 15104, Braddock, PA, for a day and showed the daily efforts to revive a town: Mr. Fretterman, a graduate from Harvard’s Kennedy School MPP programRead… Read more »

A little recognition goes a long way. Why Public Service Recognition Week matters and tools to make it happen

It’s Public Service Recognition Week — a time for managers to take a second to appreciate all the great work you do on a daily basis. It really couldn’t of come at a better time for federal employees who are under fire for the actions of a few bad apples. Tom Fox is Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: A possible White House veto

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 9th of May, 2012 The White House is threatening to veto the Commerce and Justice Department’s funding bills saying they undercut the debt-ceiling deal reached last August. The Hill says the chief problem for the President is the bill is part of an overall RepublicanRead… Read more »

GSA Conference Scandal Should Not Impact Federal Travel Market, Though Small Business Fair Share Remains an Issue

The General Services Administration (GSA) conference spending scandal will not have an impact on the travel market, according to Arthur Salus, president of both the Society of Government Travel Professionals and Duluth Travel/American Express. Salus assured GovWin that the conference issue was an “isolated” incident that will not hinder the market at all — andRead… Read more »