Yearly Archives: 2012

Strategies to Promote Collaboration On Your Team

This is our second post in the May GovLoop
 Blog Series exploring how we can work to remove silos in government. Our first post focused on leadership and ways to become the “trusted leader” across government. We had some great comments and a fascinating discussion on leadership. One comment I wanted to share came fromRead… Read more »

Is Video the Core of Telework?

A recent report from Cisco identifies that video is at the core of government telework. The report, Video at the Core of Government Telework: Overcome Resistance with Face-to-Face Interaction, has some interesting insights to telework and the impact telework can have in government. Cisco also has a great video on telework: The report quickly providesRead… Read more »

Highlights from 2012 Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall

This morning I attended the Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall, put on by the Partnership for Public Service. It was a “Public Employees Roundtable and federal agency leaders for a town hall discussion about what agencies are doing to deliver vital public services at a lower cost, how to communicate that valueRead… Read more »

FedConnects: Setting Aside Market Research Funds Can Help on a Rainy Day

Today, everyone from top CEOs to President Obama is talking about cutting back on spending and finding ways to “do more with less.” Unfortunately for marketers, this usually means budget cuts or even a full on slashing of your budget. So if you desperately need your next campaign or rebrand to provide the most bangRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 Stories you Need to Know: Is a 5% Pension Hike Coming?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 8th of May, 2012 We told you last week about how House Republicans were considering a bill that would protect increased defense department spending.
 Politico says House Republicans have decided to push ahead with plans to protect increased defense spending without raising taxes, largely byRead… Read more »

Digital Era Competencies: How Do You Stack Up?

Do you have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success in the Digital Era? Regardless of the sector you work in, your professional discipline, your place in the organizational hierarchy – and to some extent your career stage – there is a core set of competencies necessary to effectively leverage new technologies to achieveRead… Read more »

It’s Public Service Recognition Week — your Cabinet Secretary says so.

As a public service people person, it’s my favorite time of year. If you’re like me, you hardly ever stop for a minute to think about every local, state, and federal employee whose passion it is to wake up every day to serve his/her fellow citizens. 
We may be federal/state/local employees ourselves, but we oughtRead… Read more »

White House Correspondents Dinner: Why Do Geeks Hate Nerdprom?

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Recently, the White House Correspondents Dinner (AKA “Nerd Prom”) and its bevy of pre-parties, after-parties, and brunches hit Washington, DC by storm as it does every spring. But across the Potomac in Arlington, VA, a simultaneous gathering of government enthusiasts known as “Transparency Camp” occurred, sequestered from networking with influentialRead… Read more »