Yearly Archives: 2012

The Nominees are in for the Oscars for Federal Employees — find out who made the cut

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for federal employees. First with the GSA conference scandal and then the Secret Service Prostitution scandal. But feds are doing some amazing work and the Partnership for Public Service is highlighting those achievements in their annual awards program. The 33rd Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal (SAMMIES)Read… Read more »

Public Servants – Need help funding your education?

Just wanted to let everyone know about an event we’re hosting on Friday that may be of interest to the group. Spread the word! Happy Public Service Recognition Week! Cross posted from Teachers, firefighters, police officers, government employees, military—day in and day out these public servants work tirelessly for citizens across the country. ToRead… Read more »

LTC Andrew Morton’s Top 5 Tips for Transitioning Military

Andrew Morton is an Army Lieutenant Colonel retiring August 1, 2012. He is currently set to transition to a prominent full-service PR firm in the Washington metro area. The top 5 things I knew, things I thought I knew but did not, and things I had no clue about. 1. Be proactive, but not tooRead… Read more »

Job Security vs. Job Satisfaction?

An interesting, if not obvious, article came across my RSS reader today: From “Pay and Hiring Freezes Leave Their Mark“ In a survey of 40 federal information executives by TechAmerica and Grant Thornton, 70 percent of respondents said the current two year across-the-board freeze on federal pay and hiring freezes have had an impact onRead… Read more »

Sneak Peak of HP New Media Gallery at Newseum – Audio

Last week I had the chance to get a sneak peak of the HP New Media Gallery, which will open on Friday at the Newseum. The exhibit is absolutely fantastic, and is a great display of social media’s increasingly important role in journalism and society. From a Newseum press release (download here), “The gallery isRead… Read more »

The 7 Gov’t Stories you Need to Know: An end to Sequestration? Congress looks for a Solution…

DorobekINSIDER’s: SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 7th of May, 2012 12.1 — that’s the percentage of spending cuts agencies could see next January if Congress does not come up with an alternative to sequestration. Federal News Radio says the cuts are based on agencies’ fiscal 2012 discretionary budgets. The Budget ControlRead… Read more »

Ten of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter

I’ve been tweeting for just over a year during which time I’ve tried a variety of tools for reporting and analysis. Some have been quite impressive, but many have been pretty awful. Here’s a quick look at ten of my favourites. It’s only a small selection of what’s available – there are loads of othersRead… Read more »

Backblogs and Foreblogs

I try to write something once a week for WeeklyBlogClub. I don’t always succeed. I know that some bloggers can produce a quality post in only a few minutes, but I’m not one of them (although I live in hope). I typically spend a few hours, and sometimes much longer, particularly if there are lotsRead… Read more »