Yearly Archives: 2012

TSP Talk – 05/05/12

Red flags Stocks started to drift lower on Thursday of last week, on jitters over the impending jobs report. Friday’s jobs report justified investor’s nervousness as it came in lower than expected and and stocks sold off sharply ending the week on a sour note and sending all of the TSP stock funds into theRead… Read more »

Demonstration of Spear Phishing and Mitigation by Invincea

Scott Cosby is a friend I’ve known professionally through his work as VP of Products and Operations at Invincea. I recently watched a video which featured Scott demonstrating a typical Spear Phishing attack and how Invincea mitigates that challenge. Invincea cannot prevent attacks, in fact, it was produced with an understanding that crafty bad guysRead… Read more »

Cities and States Not Prepared for Cyber Attacks, FBI Surveillance Backdoors, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The State Department‘s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs plans to provide the Mexican Public Security Secretariat with the Mexico Technical Surveillance System to intercept and analyze communications. More here. In the National Preparedness Report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency found thatRead… Read more »

GovChat transcript now available

If you missed #GovChat last week (where I was the guest), @PSLeader now has put the transcript online at eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post

Ensuring Small Businesses Representation: Enforce the Rules

The issue of subcontracts management is a badly needed topic that has gotten little attention recently, either through proposed legislation, or anywhere else. I attended the Acquisition Excellence 2012 Conference a few weeks ago, jointly sponsored by the American Council for Technology (ACT) – Industry Advisory Council (IAC) and the General Services Administration, discussing withRead… Read more »

New Citizen-App Challenge for Canadians

Whenever I come across a new open data /app contest initiative specific to Canada, I feel it’s part of my duty to spread the word. I’ve mentioned this before in my post “How using a marketing approach can help open data” , and I encourage any of you interested in advancing this field to doRead… Read more »

VMware’s vision, strategy and direction for the Cloud

Curtis Brazier will present VMware’s vision, strategy and direction for Cloud Computing as they move into 2012 and beyond. The session will include exposure to VMware’s strategy for IaaS, PaaS, DaaS (Data as a Service) and end user consumption. VMware will discuss the technology that makes this vision and strategy come to life and howRead… Read more »

My LRC Review of “When the Gods Changed” and other recommended weekend readings

This week, the Literary Review of Canada published my and Taylor Owen’s review of When the Gods Changed: The Death of Liberal Canada by Peter C. Newman. For non-Canadians Peter Newman is pretty much a legend when it comes to covering Canadian history and politics, he was editor of the country’s largest newspaper and mainRead… Read more »