Yearly Archives: 2012

Win a Free Conference Pass to Excellence in Government

We hope to see many GovLoopers at the Excellence in Government Conference taking place at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. next week! With an excellent line-up of speakers and a number of interesting topics to cover, it will be a great opportunity for those across government to gather, discuss and collaborate. In thatRead… Read more »

Advocacy Day on Capital Hill with Federally Employed Women (FEW), Today!

TODAY WE NEED YOU TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. MAKE A PHONE CALL TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND PARTICIPATE IN OUR NATIONWIDE LETTER-WRITING CAMPAIGN TO SEVEN BILL SPONSORS Federally Employed Women (FEW) announced that in conjunction with the 112th Congress and FEW’s National Legislative Agenda, FEW is conducting a nationwide Advocacy Day on TODAY!. Kicking off ourRead… Read more »

Dear GSA: 7 Steps on How to Conduct Teambuilding for Under $823,000!

Anyone who has ever been part of a team can most likely tell you it’s not always easy forming the team and working together effectively. Structure, process, culture, politics, personality…teams are complicated. And if you’ve ever tried to better the working relationships of team members you probably know, that although not an easy task, thatRead… Read more »

Why is no one talking about the ‘pink elephant’ in the room? Or are they?

So your organization is going through some type of change. How can lack of communication during times of change affect your productivity and profitability? More than likely your employees know what’s going on earlier than you may think. Actually, if your organization is currently going through a change, employees and customers are probably talking aboutRead… Read more »

Update on FAILFaire: Presenters Selected — C U May 7?

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt But all too often in government, another famous sayingRead… Read more »

Avoiding the Email Deluge, How to Guide for Gov’t PR and 25 Old Fart Rules for Millennials

Avoiding the Email Deluge, How to Gude for Gov’t PR and 25 Old Fart Rules for Millennials by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday May 5th, 2012: E-mail overload… we talked about this some earlier. Are there ways of avoiding the deluge. The importance of PR — and why PR matters 25 Old FartRead… Read more »