Yearly Archives: 2012

The Fundamentals of Government Procurement: Part IV

This week’s final April blog post addresses the last and most important of the four fundamentals underpinning an efficient and effective procurement system, sound requirements development. Sound requirements development is vital to delivering best value outcomes for government and the taxpayer. Sound requirements development increases competition and creates the framework for efficient and effective contractorRead… Read more »

Millennials listen up — 25 Old Fart Rules that you Need to Learn

Millennials — the tech savy, short attention spanned 20-somethings are entering the government workforce in record numbers. They’re often lauded as the tech saviors for the older, outdated workforce. But there are still a bunch of things these young employees can learn from their predecessors. Mark Babbitt is CEO and Founder of YouTern. He toldRead… Read more »

Government PR Flacks: Focus on the long-term relationships

Public relations is an evolving industry and it is interesting, especially in government, where there isn’t always an obvious sell to be made and rarely a profit to be earned. Steve Radick, Vice President at Cramer-Krasselt, joined Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER to talk about where the industry is headed. Social media has, in someRead… Read more »

“The New and Improved” Pathways Program

Yesterday I attended an event sponsored by NASPAA (The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration) focused on the “new and improved” Pathways Program designed to better infuse new blood into the federal government workforce. While there has been an increased interest in government service, due somewhat to the popularity of The WestRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Will Apple start pursuing the enterprise market?

Apple has been at the forefront of the consumer technology market for years, but continues to lag behind competitor RIM when it comes to the enterprise market. Business and government buyers haven’t been actively pursued by Apple since Steve Jobs cut the business division in the mid-90’s, focusing solely on consumer electronics. The most profitableRead… Read more »

Regain Public Trust: Solve Social Problems

Opinions of the federal government are at an all-time low. With only 17% of Americans holding a positive view of the work being done in Washington, we finally unseated the oil and gas industry for last-place on Gallup’s annual opinion rankings. And to be honest, it’s hard to blame them. Our federal government is jam-packedRead… Read more »

VA Takes Bold Steps in Using Research to Repair Supplier Relationships

When doing research regarding perceptions and attitudes of key stakeholders, it is often very challenging to gain feedback that may be brutally honest or even negative. The reality is that the most honest feedback from research is always the most valuable and provides organizations with the insights needed to enhance performance. The Department of VeteranRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Gov’t Stories you Need to know: GOP Defense Budget trumps Poverty

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday May 3rd, 2012: The House GOP budget puts avoiding defense cuts above poverty programs. Politico reports, “The House Budget Committee is meeting to put the final touches on the more than $300 billion 10-year package — the opening shot of a fall campaign to preserve defenseRead… Read more »

Sponsorship opportunities for NCDD Seattle — sign on now for the most benefit!

Plans are underway for NCDD’s 5th National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation, to be held October 12-14, 2012 at the Hyatt at Olive 8 in downtown Seattle, Washington. NCDD conferences bring together hundreds of the most active, thoughtful, and influential people involved in public engagement and group process work across the U.S. and Canada (andRead… Read more »