Yearly Archives: 2012

Modernizing Regional Airport Leads to Cost Savings and Happy Travelers

This is the time of year that air travelers are faced with long security lines, flight delays, missed connections, and long treks home to spend time with family for the holidays. A recent case study from Oracle identifies that the Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA) has cut unbudgeted carryover costs for capital projects by 88%Read… Read more »

Open Australia launches ‘Right to Know’ FOI request site

The process of requesting documents from the government, though enshrined in Australian law, can be difficult for many people – taking significant time, causing significant frustration and resulting in inconsistent and substandard outcomes – as I found when asking government agencies some simple question about which public social media channels they operated and which webRead… Read more »

Leaders Take The Time To Listen

Brian Sandoval had it made with a life time appointment as a federal judge. However, Sandoval walked away from his safe life time appointment to run for Governor of Nevada. After he won the Governor’s race in 2010, Sondoval walked into a tough situation: – Nevada had the nation’s highest unemployment rate– a crushed housingRead… Read more »

A job in Washington?

By BillCheswick As many of you know, I am between jobs, looking to work with bright people on interesting problems. It’s going fine, and the ideas and opportunities come at a steady pace. I attended the FedCyber summit this week, in part to test the waters and investigate opportunities. It was a day well-spent, andRead… Read more »

Better Blogging: 6 Tips for Being Heard Above the Noise

If you are reading this you are no stranger to blogs. You have probably heard the term more times than you can count, have read more than your fair share, and maybe even have your own online novel collecting “dust” in cyberspace. Even still, the desire to be heard above all the chatter on theRead… Read more »

Stay Engaged with your Government!

According to this article,, “Top five industries that use both email marketing and social media, and have the highest open rates on their email marketing, in order: 1. Music 2. Consumer electronics 3. Financial services 4. Motion pictures and film 5. Graphic design” Lets get GOVERNMENT on this list of top five industries! ItRead… Read more »

Left and Right Dig in on Fiscal Cliff – Plus DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you turn on your TV, open a newspaper or log on to any social media site you are bombarded with the impending doom surrounding the fiscal cliff. And while the dreaded cliff might still happen, there might be a way to lessen its impact. The key could be good management.Read… Read more »

Thoughts on the Government IT Roadmap – Three Roads to Consider

In government, we struggle to develop a consistent, multi-year roadmap. Sometimes, we’re too busy, but often, it’s because our mission and initiatives change with every election cycle. One of the things I love about enterprise content management (ECM) solutions is that no matter who’s in office, they support the heart of government – the documentsRead… Read more »

Managing your online network

Somehow over the last few months I have started using a few tools that help either manage my personal reputation or keep a track on my network. I suspect that this is because I follow some people on Twitter who have a strong interest in recruitment. So here are a few interesting/useful tools: Bullhorn reachRead… Read more »