Yearly Archives: 2012

The Best Way To Get Hadoop Is Getting Better: CDH 4 in Final Beta

Good news for Big Data users: Cloudera recently released the second and final beta for Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop version 4 (CDH4), meaning that the official CDH4 release is coming soon. If you aren’t already using CDH, Cloudera offers the leading open-source distribution of the fast, agile, and reliable distributed computing platform changing theRead… Read more »

Are young government workers recognized enough? What are we doing to bring in new talent?

Over the past 20 years, there have been many great and successful Public Service Recognition Week events, both in the DC area and around the country. But none have focused on students, recent graduates, and young government workers. At the same time, among all the calls for more efficient (or even smaller) government, there hasRead… Read more »

Patient Opinion launches in Australia

One of the UK’s social media success stories, Patient Opinion, has now launched an Australian website at Patient Opinion, which has been live since 2005, allows patients to rate and comment on their experience with health providers. It has been an amazing (if sometimes painful) success in the UK, leading to a number ofRead… Read more »

Enforcing Open Government

The state of Iowa is forming an agency dedicated to enforcing open government. With approval obtained from the state legislature the governor will appoint a nine-member board that includes up to three media representatives and three local government officials. The board will have the ability to fine representatives of many state executive branch departments orRead… Read more »

Splunk for the IT Manager

Let Splunk Manage your data while you manage your enterprise Data is exploding, Big Data is in every environment. Organizations are finding new tools to analyze and govern their IT capabilities, but not without a cost. How decision makers sense-make of all this data is the newest challenge. How are they to integrate dashboard afterRead… Read more »

Serendipity & butterflies wings

A butterflies wings flap. Someone sends a tweet. A government falls and rises again. But the beauty of Twitter is not in the very great consequences but in the small. Not the detail neither but in the flow and sway of unguarded conversations and chit chat about the weather. I can’t remember where my ownRead… Read more »

My Blackberry Isn’t Working: It is completely frozen! has just opened our new Tech Humor category. In honor of this wondrous event we would like to re-post one of our favorite tech commentaries involving those champions of technology explanation Ronnie Corbett and Harry Enfield. These two walk us through products and services and technology trends and bring the laughs as they do.Read… Read more »

CISPA Set to Pass in the House, Upcoming Army Mobile Policy, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: With the addition of several amendments to protect privacy and civil liberties, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act has enough votes to pass through the House of Representatives. More here. The director of intelligence at U.S. Cyber Command, Rear Adm. Samuel Cox, said the U.S. needs approvalRead… Read more »

Surviving “Carmageddon”

Last summer, Judy Gish, Public Information Officer for the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) District 7, had a very unenviable task: keep 500,000 vehicles off of I-405 in Los Angeles during a mid-July weekend. Impossible? You might think so, but Gish led a communications effort that was so successful that it was a non-event. MotoristsRead… Read more »

Federal Conference on Diversity: The 10 lenses of cultural identity

When it comes to really fostering diversity at an organization, the old frameworks just don’t cut it anymore. New approaches are needed. That according to author Mark Williams, who used humor and wit to get his message about the 10 lenses of cultural diversity across at today’s Federal Conference on Diversity. Demographics – age, gender,Read… Read more »