Yearly Archives: 2012

If Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and MySpace were Aussie states

Many of you are probably aware that Facebook’s active membership is larger than the population of the world’s third largest country, however the numbers are getting too big to relate to Australia. So I’ve taken the idea and compiled a view of Australia by state, including the main social networks used by Aussies as ifRead… Read more »

Peak Bureaucracy: Perhaps it’s time we considered alternatives

The Atlantic published a great piece last week by Eric Garland entitled Peak Intel: How So-Called Strategic Intelligence Actually Makes Us Dumber, here’s a particularly powerful excerpt: “Hierarchical organizations have a very different logic than smaller firms. In less consolidated industries, success and failure are largely the result of the decisions you make, so intelligenceRead… Read more »

The Digital Engagement Cookbook

Had a silly-busy week this week so only just now getting the chance to blog this. On Tuesday we launched the Digital Engagement Cookbook – an online database of online engagement methods. Kind of Digital were paid and supported by Consumer Focus to create the database, and I brought in some help. Fraser Henderson fromRead… Read more »

What is Government’s Role in Community Events?

Once again I’ve been intrigued by the similarities between online and offline communities with the topic this time focusing on the handling of community events. And I wonder how much the “real” and “virtual” communities can learn from each other. If you work for a city, your experience is probably very similar to mine –Read… Read more »

Building a shared services model in local government

Declining local government budgets drive a need for innovative solutions to reduce operating costs Local government budgets for municipalities, cities and townships are shrinking at a staggering pace. Declining property and business tax revenues are impacting local governments ability to provide basic services to the public. As a result, budget planning directors and business analystsRead… Read more »

Help an agency out: spread the word that we want photos taken on Earth Day

Ok, here’s the deal. We at EPA are running several social media engagement projects around Earth Day (April 22), and most are off to a good start. But we’re doing one thing actually on Earth Day itself: trying to capture a moment in time. Specifically, we’re asking people to submit a photo they take onRead… Read more »