Yearly Archives: 2012

Still Looking for the App to bring Real Innovation to the Public Sector

Why Innovation Matters In Politics And The Public Sector Fast Company Nov 19, 2012 “No government official or business leader can assume technology will cure their organization’s woes. All forms of innovation and technology require intent and direction to produce a proper, valuable outcome. A coherent and disciplined management approach is important for several reasons.”Read… Read more »

10 Benefits of Predictive Analytics: A Path to Improved Decisions

Recently I had the chance to speak with Nathan Greenhut of IBM about how predictive analytics has the potential to transform government operations. You can view the full interview by downloading the PDF here, or visit online. Story Highlights GovLoop releases report, A Path to Insights and Improved Decision Making: Predictive Analytics Post highlights 10Read… Read more »

Cyber Workforce Issues

By JonathanTabb The U.S. Government needs a robust cyber workforce immediately and for the foreseeable future. The challenge in achieving such a large team of geeks is threefold; it must recruit skilled young individuals, it must continuously train them, and it must improve its ability to retain its workforce. The trouble with recruiting is thatRead… Read more »

Illinois Considers New Stormwater Regulations

If you live in Illinois, it’s important for you to be aware of a set of recommendations for changes to stormwater regulations in Illinois. Because if the Illinois EPA (IEPA) adopts the recommendations as submitted, everyone in Illinois has the potential to be financially impacted by their implementation. And even though these recommendations have theRead… Read more »

Illinois Considers New Stormwater Regulations

If you live in Illinois, it’s important for you to be aware of a set of recommendations for changes to stormwater regulations in Illinois. Because if the Illinois EPA (IEPA) adopts the recommendations as submitted, everyone in Illinois has the potential to be financially impacted by their implementation. And even though these recommendations have theRead… Read more »

A Best Practice: Four Traits You Have to Train In-House

The “four traits” are quite simple and probably unbelievable, but please hear me out. Here’s the rundown: Train your people to be kind. Train your people to be honorable. Train your people to be fair. Train your peope to be honest and trustworthy. These may seem to be no-brainers, but today aggressive sales doesn’t workRead… Read more »

Getting Exercise Jumping To Conclusions

Quick! Read the series of letters and numbers shown below. Don’t waste any time. Can you read them? (The images are on the left side of the page below the first image) Hopefully you found that to be pretty easy. (And, if I were better with HTML I would have figured out how to putRead… Read more »