Yearly Archives: 2012

Weekly Round-up: April 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Collaborative Consumption. The Sharing Economy has come to government, at least in the form of car sharing. Alex Howard has a great article that not only details two cities’ experiences in car sharing (Boston and DC), but has some great links to other resources on the general topic of collaborative consumption. A DifferentRead… Read more »

Information Follows the Hierarchy

Information wants to be free may be a slogan that is en vogue with technology activists but it is also a slogan that diametrically opposed to how bureaucracy actually works. Le triangle des bermudes On the Internet information is omnidirectional; it is easy to find, verify and re-purpose. Whereas in the bureaucracy, information is atRead… Read more »

Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government: A Review

The other day the Canadian Government published its Action Plan on Open Government, a high level document that both lays out the Government’s goals on this file as well as fulfill its pledge to create tangible goals as part of its participation in next week’s Open Government Partnership 2012 annual meeting in Brazil. So whatRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity Gaps Across Government, New Monitoring Tool, and More

This month, the Department of Energy, in working with the White House, Department of Homeland Security, and power companies, will test a voluntary reporting model to discover cybersecurity gaps in electricity delivery systems. More here. A researcher at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a cyber sensor to track how networkRead… Read more »

Interfaith Peace Walk–a Walking Dialogue Opportunity

Please check out and join us if you’re able on April 29, 2012 in Philadelphia at 2:00 p.m. (18th and Spruce St.) for a walking dialogue among Muslims, Jews, Chrisitians, Sikh’s, Buddhists, Hindus, Krishna’s and other religious and secular groups who want to promote communication, dialogue and peace within our city and world. SubmittedRead… Read more »

Federal Decision Makers Still Reading the Printed Word and Attending Trade Shows

Today, more than 200 executives from the DC area convened at the fourth annual Federal Media and Marketing Study (FMMS) breakfast hosted by Market Connections to learn how to effectively reach government decision makers when selling to the federal market. Knowing how to target those leaders who, ultimately, make the buying decisions can be highlyRead… Read more »

Startup Beach House

Are you working on a Gov 2.0 idea, Open Gov idea or have an idea for a product or service to improve government? Than you might be interested in the Startup Beach House! The Startup Beach House originated from the love and passion we have for startups, entrepreneurship and the awesome community surrounding these ideas.Read… Read more »