Yearly Archives: 2012

Getting Exercise Jumping To Conclusions

Quick! Read the series of letters and numbers shown below. Don’t waste any time. Can you read them? (The images are on the left side of the page below the first image) Hopefully you found that to be pretty easy. (And, if I were better with HTML I would have figured out how to putRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – 11/24/12

Holiday weeks tend to have a positive bias, but what we saw last week was not typical. We saw big gains with nearly 4% returns in each of the TSP stock funds. The question now of course is, what will a post-holiday market look like? Here are the TSP fund returns for the week ofRead… Read more »

TwitChimp is a great Twitter list management tool. Here are Features and Benefits

By BobGourley TwitChimp is the ultimate Twitter list management tool. It is designed for two types of people: Those that create Twitter lists and Those that benefit from Twitter lists. We know those are not mutually exclusive categories, but find that a handy way to organize the features and benefits of our Twitter list managementRead… Read more »

Google Apps Assassinated My Domain – BEWARE!

By MattDevost I’ve been a long-time user of Google Apps and have recommended it to dozens of colleagues and associates. I currently use both the Standard (free) and Enterprise (paid) version of apps for several very high profile and long-standing domains. I’ve always considered it to be a reliable and cost-effective option for providing coreRead… Read more »

Job Seekers: Get this *FREE* through Monday – eBook Helps Job Hunters During the Holidays (Only 99 cents after Monday)

“What Color Is Your Parachute?” author Richard N. (Dick) Bolles and 26 other Job-Hunt Experts contributed over 100 tips to help job seekers leverage the year-end holidays for their job hunt in an ebook that will be FREE from Thanksgiving Day through midnight on Monday, November 26. Job hunters who are tempted to take aRead… Read more »

Writing a strategic social media engagement plan

I often get asked how I structure my actual written strategic social media engagement plans when working with a public sector or non-profit organization. The answer unfortunately is “it really depends”. Over the years I have continually tried to update and improve my Strategic Social Media Engagement Workbook based on what I learned from myRead… Read more »

5 keys to mastering anything

Getting to the top requires dedication and discipline In his book,“Outliers: The Story of Success” Malcolm Gladwell talks about the 10,000 hour rule. In short it takes 10,000 hours to get really good at something. If you do a google search on “10,000” and “learning” you will literally pull back 108 million results the firstRead… Read more »

Debunking the “risk” of working more openly

I’ve heard a lot of chatter recently about how we (public servants) can’t work in a more openly because of the “risks” of putting our information “out there”. I’ve always tried to push back on people who hide behind the risk argument because, quite frankly, I feel as though their fears are vacuous, unfounded, andRead… Read more »

PSA: Don’t buy any mobile devices not on this list!

By RyanKamauff This Black Friday please don’t wait in line to buy garbage gear (via Plastic Jungle) If you are out shopping this Friday, it’s likely you’ll see some awesome tech deals, but how can you know what are really deals? Here is a list of our favorite smartphones and tablets this holiday. Smartphones –Read… Read more »