Yearly Archives: 2012

Public Servants!

What are you thankful for on this 2012 Thanksgiving day? I am thankful for being surrounded with the most talented colleagues who are committed and dedicated to public service. My coworkers and colleagues are the best public servants! I am thankful for their wisdom and talents! How is your meal coming along? Enjoy this greatnessRead… Read more »

Love letter to Austin

It’s time to say thanks to the dedicated public servants that helped our Fellows navigate City Hall and champion our mission. And to the Cities that opened their doors, their minds, and their databases to the 2012 Fellows. In the last hours of the 2012 Fellowship, we, the Code for America Austin team, wanted toRead… Read more »

Thanking our NOLA champions

It’s time to say thanks to the dedicated public servants that helped our Fellows navigate City Hall and champion our mission. And to the Cities that opened their doors, their minds, and their databases to the 2012 Fellows. When the rest of my team and I arrived at New Orleans City Hall for the firstRead… Read more »

Thank You for Your Service

GovLoopers, I wanted to write a simple blog today to say Thank You for what you do. You inspire me every day with your passion, energy and determination to improve our government and to deliver public services to our citizens. I feel blessed that I’m fortunate enough to connect and share knowledge with 60,000+ GovLoopersRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving Service Thanksgiving is a pretty special time for me personally. As the oldest of six Thanksgiving has always been a time for family, friends and a very full house. From my earliest memories we have almost always had at least one “extra” at our house and often many more as members of the sportsRead… Read more »

Notes on making collaborative technology successful

I spent an interesting morning at the Online Information conference on Tuesday – ably chaired by my pal Steve Dale – and the session I enjoyed most was about implementing collaborative technology in organisations – one example was from a big media and communications provider, the other a government department. Here are some of theRead… Read more »

Hindsight: Government by the people, for the people but not yet OF the people –

This is a great video regarding innovations in participation, citizen engagement and deliberative democracy, with a panel discussion involving, Professor Archon Fung, Harvard Kennedy School Mr. Richard Dobson, Founder of Asiye Etafuleni, South Africa Mr. Robert Miller, Director of the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program, USA Dr. Henry Tam, Deputy Director of Community Empowerment Delivery, UKRead… Read more »

The Office Borg

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us.” – From Star Trek, First Contact As a teleworking manager looking in on a traditional office environment, the dangers of the office often seem frighteningly similarRead… Read more »

Vote for my gov 2.0 startup in Global Startup Battle?

Hola GovLoop, Last weekend I pitched and created a startup company at Houston Startup Weekend focused on improving government permitting processes (if you have operated a business, you know the pain). Our startup, PermitMe, won the competition and now is competing for votes in the Global Startup Battle versus 120 other startups from around theRead… Read more »