Yearly Archives: 2012

Daily Dose: How do you engage with your employees?

Yesterday evening, Federal Coach Tom Fox at the Washington Post shared the Department of Transportation’s “Cheat Sheet for Engaging Employees”. These are the recommended tips “to help boost the morale and job satisfaction of your employees”: · Drop by employee meetings · Listen to your employees · Let employees know you · Celebrate the OathRead… Read more »

Records and Information Management FOSE Track 2012 – Register Today for Discount

I am looking forward to attending the FOSE Conference April 3-5 in Washington DC. This is the final post in a blog series highlighting the 2012 conference tracks. Throughout this week I have been highlighting one of the tracks and provide some insights on what you can expect to see at FOSE 2012. The fiveRead… Read more »

Young Entrepreneurs And Leaders Innovating The Rust Belt

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – Typically, when you see a story in the mainstream media about innovators, entrepreneurs, and thinkers, it’s about someone on the east or west coast, and within that in a few cities like New York, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. But the April 2012 issue of Details magazine (of all places)Read… Read more »

Health Justice CT Challenge Winner Announced!

Big news happening. I was fortunate to be part of the selection committee for the Health Justice CT Challenge that got kicked off at the end of 2011. Basically Connecticut is growing leaders and innovators to reshape how health makes an impact in their communities. The purpose of the challenge was to open the ideaRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 30, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Mobility means many things. GOV.Aol has three pieces on mobility: first, a reprint of a FedInsider article argues that in addition to thinking about hardware (all those shiny new iPads), agencies need to be thinking about the applications they’ll deploy on them. The next two articles are about (guess what?) mobile apps. AndRead… Read more »

A Look at Today’s White House Big Data Event

Today, the White House demonstrated their support for Big Data in a huge way. Federal agencies have committed over $200M to big data initiatives in the future. Between the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Energy, and United States Geological Survey there are multipleRead… Read more »

Ordering A Pizza With A Fridge Magnet!

The VIP fridge magnet, standing for Very Important Pizza, can be synced to smartphones so customers can complete their order through bluetooth. Once your preferred type of pizza is set up, by simply pushing the magnet your order will be electronically submitted and delivered. Only one pizzeria in Dubai is set up to do thisRead… Read more »

The Fourth Dimension of Big Data

Big Data is often described by the three drivers (dimensions) of: volume, velocity and variety. But Stefan Andreasen, Founder and CTO of Kapow has alerted us to the fourth – spread. Volume describes the overall AMOUNT of Big Data. It almost goes without saying, that for data to be big, there must be a lotRead… Read more »