Yearly Archives: 2012

Identify the Right People to Manage Your Social Media Initiatives

A version of this post originally appeared on this blog last year. I’m re-posting it with a few minor modifications because I’m giving a presentation based on this content next Tuesday at 10:15am EST at PRSA’s Digital Impact Conference. If you’ll also be attending, let’s get together. Who leads your organization’s social media initiatives? IsRead… Read more »

Legislation Proposed to Increase Number of Career SESers

Government Executive reports that Senator Akaka (D-HI) has introduced the 2012 Senior Executive Service (SES) Reform Act into the Senate. Rep. Moran (D-VA) is expected to introduce similar legislation to the House of Representatives. Among other reforms, the legislation would: Reduce the percentage of non-career SES appointees from 25% to 15% Increase the number ofRead… Read more »

The consequence of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. On February 22, President Barack Obama signed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 into law. The bill provides a variety of benefits to help middle class Americans, including Medicare payment extensions, social security payroll tax cuts, extension of job incentives to small businesses, as wellRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: The IRS Careers Website Goes Mobile

All the information you could ever want about an IRS career is now at your fingertips. This week we launched the long-awaited mobile version of the careers website. If you’re curious about just what kinds of opportunities are available at the IRS, tap the careers tab. For a first-hand account of some of our mostRead… Read more »

Terrorists may take advantage of Holy Week to launch attacks — AFP official Government forces have started securing churches, cathedrals and tourist spots where people are expected to converge during the Holy Week to prevent possible terrorist attacks, a ranking military official said Thursday. Brig. Gen. Roberto Almadin, co-chair of the Armed Forces-Philippine National Police Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Council, made this assurance as he notedRead… Read more »

This Day in GovCon History, March 29, 1867: Lincoln Memorial First Commissioned

See the latest from GovWin editor Anthony Critelli March 29, 1867 is the day Congress approved the Lincoln Memorial. The monument is the newest of the major iconic structures in Washington, D.C. – coming after the Capitol, White House and Washington Monument. D.C. joggers typically loop around here and start heading the two miles towardRead… Read more »

A Grab Bag of iPhone Photo Apps

The iPhone is more than a phone and much more than just a camera. It can do things that are impossible to do on a “real” camera, like effortlessly stitch together panoramas and instantly share pictures worldwide. These creative possibilities were explored by Jack Davis in “iPhoneography: The New Frontier of Creative Photography,” a freeRead… Read more »