Yearly Archives: 2012

Cloud and Virtualization Track Highlights for FOSE 2012 – Register Today for Discount

I am looking forward to attending the FOSE Conference April 3-5 in Washington DC. This is the second post in a blog series highlighting the 2012 conference tracks. Over the next week, I’ll highlight one of the tracks and provide some insights to what you can expect to see at FOSE 2012. The five tracksRead… Read more »

Mentoring Best Practices: Create an Action Plan

Although open to all, this blog post is dedicated to those mentoring partnerships who are part of the GovLoop Mentors Program! By now, most of you have completed your first meeting with your mentor/mentee. As Kathy Wentworth Drahosz outlined in her blog on the first meeting, you have broken the ice, and have set yourRead… Read more »

GovWin Recon Roundup, Week Ending Mar. 23, 2012

See the latest form GovWin editor Anthony Critelli: Contractor Pay Cap A bipartisan bill [PDF] has re-opened the contentious issue of the contractor pay cap. The previous rule capped pay for the top five executives of a contractor at $693,951. The Senate 2012 defense authorization bill capped defense contractors’ pay at $400,000 and applied theRead… Read more »

The Technology Behind the Court System

One challenge that government is facing is how to best improve services for citizens and reduce costs, decrease spending and lower taxes. Technology is seen as one solution to make government more efficient in how it delivers services and interacts with citizens. To often government agencies are pressed to provide improved services and information inRead… Read more »

U.S. Army Tops List of Most Engaging Agency Twitter Feeds

Twitter is a popular way for federal agencies to share updates on their organization and to converse with inquiring citizens. Yet a healthy Twitter presence is about more than just an impressive band of followers. Various other factors impact how effective a given Twitter feed may be, including replies, mentions, and outgoing tweets. One ofRead… Read more »

Workplace Griefbusting: Transforming Loss and Grief Ghosts into Creative Flow

In a 24/7 world that’s forever reorganizing, upgrading, and streamlining, employees and organizations are caught up in a cycle of change, loss of control, and uncertainty that may challenge mission and morale…but change and crisis also generate heightened energy, focus, and opportunity. However, many are not prepared to “let go and launch” because they areRead… Read more »

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save real world bridges

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save bridges by GovLoop Insights Tuesday March 27, 2012: Happy Tuesday… We have to start out with the historic debate at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday over the health care bill — the first of three days of talks. The Washington PostRead… Read more »

Bridging the International Corporate Geo-Cultural Divide or Presenter Beware and Buyer Be Aware

For the first time I was accused of being “Amero-centric.” This caught me off guard as I tend to see life as double-edged; the glass is frequently both half full and half empty. I’m trained to see the strengths and potentialities, vulnerabilities and faults of individuals, groups, and systems. I’m a big fan of F.Read… Read more »