Yearly Archives: 2012

It’s not outer space…but it is a Virtual World

Virtual Words, they sound like something out of Star Trek. But the technologies are really making a difference in the way you do your job. Doctors at the Veterans Affairs Department are using virtual worlds to treat retuning soldiers with PTSD. The technology allows the soldiers to relieve their battlefield experience in a safe andRead… Read more »

The Case for Teleworking

Teleworking is becoming an increasingly popular way of working for many people. The convenience of wearing pajamas while working aside, the home often offers freedom, privacy and a distraction free environment which lends itself to a more productive and functional workplace than the traditional cubicle office. For employees, teleworking offers reduced commute times and reducedRead… Read more »

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary?

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary? That’s the questions being posed by some state and local governments who are looking for ways to cut budgets and save costs. Hord Tipton is the executive director at ISC2. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER show that the CSIO’s duties are in large part beingRead… Read more »

Is online influence measurable or meaningful?

Online influence is a hot topic right now, with companies such as Klout, PeerIndex, Empire Avenue and Kred all building online services that aim to measure the influence of internet users, in order to better target advertising dollars. But how effective are these services really? Does the number of followers, retweets or likes or someRead… Read more » Publishes White Paper On Evaluating Big Data Analytical Capabilities for Government Use, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC and a peer site of, has just published a white paper providing ten evaluation criteria which can be used by government decision-makers seeking Big Data analytical capabilities. This paper, titled “Evaluating Big Data Analytical Capabilities for Government Use,” provides contextRead… Read more »

Reviews: Check the Box or Meaningful?

As a Human Resources professional, I have seen countless review forms in my career. Some good, some bad. Regardless, are they helpful? Some organizations have a culture that promotes reviews as a “check the box” to stop the HR person from hassling them over turning in their reviews. I worked at one organization where IRead… Read more »