Yearly Archives: 2012

Facebook says no to employers logging into applicants profiles

An article on Mashable reports that Facebook has decided that it’s time to take a stand against employers who insist on logging into applicants Facebook accounts. The practice is against Facebooks Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Chief Privacy Officer for Facebook Erin Egan, who released the statement affirming Facebook’s commitment to fighting this practice, hadRead… Read more »

Senators Collins and Lieberman Honored with Coalition Award

Wednesday was a special day for The Coalition for Government Procurement and for the procurement community at large. We honored two outstanding leaders in federal acquisition with our highest honor. Over the 33 year history of The Coalition for Government Procurement, the Common Sense in Government Procurement Award has been presented only 10 times. PastRead… Read more »

Some upcoming talks

Sorry for the lack of posts this week – just some calm before gathering storm. April and May are going to be intense. For those interested in these things I’ve a number of upcoming talks I’ll be giving and and conferences I’ll be attending. Many of these are open to the public in case youRead… Read more »

Will unspent FEMA grant money lead to a ‘return to sender’?

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. According to recent testimony at a congressional hearing on March 20, billions of dollars in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds for state and local governments has gone unused. Since 2003, FEMA has provided $35 billion in funding for state and local governments to pay for equipment, training forRead… Read more »

Small and Large Contractors Needed for HUD IT Modernization Efforts

See the latest from Deltek editor Anthony Critelli Budgetary pressure is a major challenge to the IT modernization efforts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), noted director of Innovation and Open Government Stan Buch at a Deltek Federal Executive Breakfast in McLean, Va., on March 22. Deltek analyst Douglas West pointed outRead… Read more »

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to findRead… Read more »

What the LulzSec Bust Says About Cyber Criminal Investigations

In a recent high-profile bust, the FBI arrested five alleged leaders of the collective Anonymous and related hacking group LulzSec. Understandably, the majority of law enforcement, white hats, and journalists rejoiced at the FBI’s newfound cyber prowess. After months of embarrassment through denial of service attacks, major data leaks, and website defacements, it looked asRead… Read more »

The Future of Mobile [Slide Deck] – Do you have a “mobile” networking résumé?

The growth rate of mobile is staggering. It took AOL 9 years to get to 1 million users. It took Facebook 9 months. It took Draw Something 9 days. Global Internet users will double over the next few years—and most will be mobile…and the dumb-phone conversion to smartphone has only just begun. Check out thisRead… Read more »