Yearly Archives: 2012

Is the new Republican budget proposal a broken record? Cuts, Cuts, Cuts?

House GOP leaders are confident that Congressman Paul Ryan’s 2013 budget will pass the House. The bill calls for an additional 2 percent cuts to the President’s budget proposal and would extended the federal pay freeze to 2015. But, Politico begs the question, “Did no one learn anything from last summer? Did 2011 not happen?”Read… Read more »

Friday Photo: Washington Harbour Edition

Photos can lie. This one certainly does. While it looks like a picture of a lonely and mysterious scene, the night was anything but. I stepped away from friends for a moment to snap this iPhone pic. To the right was a packed bar blaring pop music into the night. It’s an Instagram pic, usingRead… Read more »

Telework – A Rose by Any Other Name?

We’ve got a problem. It’s the word “telework.” The picture it conveys is that of an employee working in a home office (with or without bunny slippers) on an approved one-day-a-week schedule typing away at a computer. Is this really what we are hoping for in promoting the telework concept? I think not. We areRead… Read more »

Avoiding Cyber Threat Amnesia

My involvement in the non-profit educational and research organization Cyber Conflict Studies Association over the last several years has led me to an observation about federal policy makers and cyber security. This observation probably applies to many commercial organizations and to academia (and possibly even to you) so we may be talking about human natureRead… Read more »

Friday’s political law links

STOCK ACT PASSED. News here. “The Senate voted 96 to 3 to pass a watered-down STOCK Act, which would bar members of Congress, their staff and some federal workers from profiting from non-public information obtained through their jobs.”. President Obama’s statement is here. PERRY PAC ADVISORY OPINION. Story here. “Texas Gov. Rick Perry has beenRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 23, 2012

This post has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Can you hear me now? Kaifeng Yang, whose 2008 study on citizen particiaption I link to whenever possible, is the principal author of a new book of collected essays and studies on, what else? citizen participation. The State of Citizen Participation in AmericaRead… Read more »

Facebook As a Social Media Tool

Facebook has developed apps for business and government to make it easy to use as a channel for individuals and business/government to provide and exchange information. Does it work? Yes – but it’s not magic. Creative design and vibrant content are required. Here’s illustrations of an innovative approach – one by business and one byRead… Read more »

Let’s Praise AT&T, CenturyLink, Comcast, Cox, Sprint, TWC, T-Mobile and Verizon for this

For all our complaints about our ISPs and their service we should all reflect on some of the great things these firms do. Individually they seek to innovate and win our business and loyalty. And collectively they can come together to do great things too. One great, positive thing just happened because of collegial actionRead… Read more »

Mil to Fed: Update your Veteran status

It’s springtime! Time to refresh and rejuvenate your Veteran status! You may not be recognized for your service to your country if you have an incorrect Veteran Status. If you are not sure, check with your employment or personnel office to make sure you have the status you’ve earned. There are four different types ofRead… Read more »