Yearly Archives: 2012

7 Antidotes To Public Apathy

Dave Meslin is an interesting activist from Toronto Canada who describes himself as a “professional rable-rouser”. I love the title as we truly need more folks like Dave questioning how government operates. A common thought given the few number of people that attend public meetings or even bother to vote is that members of theRead… Read more »

Newspapers suck at social. Why are you different?

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share. The first and second articles were based on The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School which may be (and probably is) the most insightful social media document of all time. This isRead… Read more »

Open Source has a Cyber Security Posse Riding in to South Carolina March 28th

One of my favorite projects I have the good fortune to be contributing to was created by the US Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (that’s DHS S&T in Beltway lingo, the equivalent of the R&D arm of the agency for the rest of us mere mortals) It’s called the HOST program (HomelandRead… Read more »

How Event Polling Best Reaches Target Constituencies

Government, by necessity and obligation, must understand the competing interests and ideologies of the variety of identity groups that it serves. Put another way, those who are in charge must always have an ear to the ground if they want to remain in charge. That being said, there is no silver bullet in terms ofRead… Read more »

Sales Culture

The discipline of sales does more than provide the funds that power the organization. The skills developed in the practice of sales have a far-reaching effect on the organization. Sales as Change Agent The fastest way to change an organization’s culture is to change what customers buy. Communication The skill to enlarge influence is communication.Read… Read more »

Coding 2012

(This post was written by Sheila Bapat, CfA’s Donor Relations Manager.) I recently signed up for Pivotal Labs RailsBridge workshop which takes place on March 30, though currently placed on a growing waitlist of interested folks. This workshop helps participants build a complete web application using Ruby on Rails. “By the end of the workshop,Read… Read more »

SAS Government Leadership Summit – June 12 in DC

SAS Government Leadership Summit June 12, 2012 at 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Newseum, Washington, DC Registration is required through The SAS Government Leadership Summit (#SASgov) is targeted at mid-tier to executive level decision makers in Government. This year’s theme is “Analytics on Point: Sharpen the focus on brighter possibilities.” Keynote: Dr. Michael Mandelbaum,Read… Read more »

Flint, MI emergency manager plans halted

On Tuesday, a Michigan judge ordered that authority be returned to the Mayor and City Council of Flint, Michigan stalling the test case of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s plan to replace municipal leaders with corporate financial managers in cities and towns that are failing economically. The order issued by Ingham County Circuit Court Judge RosemarieRead… Read more »