Yearly Archives: 2012

National Social Work Month – IT failures

Deltek Senior Analyst Kate Tussey reports. As Deltek continues recognizing National Social Work Month, we also have to acknowledge some of the IT failures plaguing the human services arena. When these health and social services systems are unsuccessful, you can be sure the issue will be splashed across the next day’s headlines. Failed IT systemsRead… Read more »

Good morning, here are political law links for Wed., March 21, 2012

IE UNIT CHIEF NAMED. Roll Call. “House Republicans are appointing three top operatives to manage the vast majority of their campaign spending this fall, including the first woman to run a GOP Congressional committee’s independent expenditure unit.” LOBBYING WORLD MOVES. The Hill. MONEY EDGE GOES TO… Story here. “The Republican primary has become a massiveRead… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Tales of the city: the rise of the local blog – “In its daily blogposts, Spitalfields Life aims to portray the full colour of life in London’s East End. But who is the mysterious ‘Gentle Author’ behind this extraordinary work of social history?” Apache CordovaRead… Read more »

FOI Update : The Pro Disclosure Culture of the Australian Taxation Office

Now how widespread is this issue? This may be regarded by some as one of my more controversial posts. After a lot of thought and conversation I have decided to go ahead and publish this post. I decided to so as I do not believe it is right for public sector agencies to hide informationRead… Read more »

12 Signs You Might Be A Bully

There has been a great deal of attention focused on the issue of bullying among children. The news media frequently highlights cases of bullying among children that at times result in a child that has been bullied committing suicide. Bullying among adults especially in the workplace also happens more than it should and is drawingRead… Read more »

Are You Collaborating for Survival and Success?

Given the turbulent and changing times facing government organizations, it seems that trying to go it alone no longer makes sense but can result in serious downside risks to long-term survival. We all have to learn how to work smarter within the reality of ever declining resources. The importance of collaboration is more apparent thanRead… Read more »

Themes from the Federal Mentoring Roundtable

I had a great time last week at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. It was such a pleasure to see some old friends and to meet new faces. One of the things I enjoy most about attending events like this is getting to hear all the different situations people are encountering. As I was reflecting onRead… Read more »

LightSquared comes out swinging

Last month, the Federal Communications Commission blocked wireless technology services from the Virginia company, LightSquared because of the interference it caused with Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. The move resulted in very public claims from the company and its hedge fund backer Philip Falcone, CEO of Harbinger Capitsl that the company would affirm its stanceRead… Read more »