Yearly Archives: 2012

Dealing with executive stress

Most people want to be promoted. They want to climb the ladder and rise within their profession. This can be exceedingly difficult with long hours and endless obstacles. There is no doubt that the road to success can be stressful at times. With that in mind, it can be critical to find ways to dealRead… Read more »

#Sandy – Did the 20 Million Plus Tweets Help or Hurt Emergency Managers?

When Superstorm Sandy hit the eastern seaboard earlier this month millions of people took to twitter to show their support, air grievances and ask for help. So with a record 20 million plus tweets alone on the #Sandy, how can emergency managers, the government and people in general do with all this data? Kate StarbirdRead… Read more »

City, State, County, Tribal Government Communicators….this is for you!

by Marisa Ellison, Competitions Director for the National Association of Government Communicators and Customer Relations Manager for the Missouri Department of Transportation (Northeast District) This blog is not meant to slight our colleagues at the federal level. Believe me…there are many opportunities for all government communicators to get involved in NAGC. This post, however, isRead… Read more »

Groom Your Successors

I’m often asked, “Do you know someone we could hire for our web team?” Of course, they want the full package – someone skilled in plain writing, customer analysis, strategic planning, usability, search engine optimization, design, social media, mobile apps, marketing…oh, and can they code? Do these super beings exist? Yes – they are you!Read… Read more »

Tweets about Twitter Offer Interesting Insights

Curious about Twitter, not just as a social media platform but also as a company? Using a sample of recent tweets, this post offers a glimpse into the company’s leadership, its role in society, and how the platform and its features are evolving. Though neither comprehensive nor in-depth, this glimpse provides insights into the complexityRead… Read more »

5 Tips on Engagement Organizing for Government

Non-profits and political campaigns are in midst of a historic shift from a world of expert-driven, direct mail oriented organization sto nimble, data-driven, learning organizations that place relationship building and mobilization of supporters at the heart of their work. So what does that mean for government? Matt Price and Jon Stahl wrote an interesting paperRead… Read more »

Strategy for Your Agency, or Strategy for You

There are good guides to strategy for government agencies and other organizations, such as Mark Moore’s strategic triangle. But most public administrators have little influence over their employer’s strategy. What the individual public administrator can control, and what he can benefit from, is a personal strategy for obtaining his own professional objectives. Your own professionalRead… Read more »