Yearly Archives: 2012

R U a great project manager w/ innate curiosity & awesome customer service skills? . . .

. . . then apply to join the crew in eDiplomacy! Open Position in eDiplomacy, US Department of State Who are we? Office of eDiplomacy, US Department of State What others say: Honoring “Rising Stars” in Government Information Technology eDiplomacy: The US State Department’s Global Collaborative Backbone TRENDS: Evolutionary State Crowdsourcing and Diplomacy: A LoveRead… Read more »

Top 10 Benefits of GIS Technology

There is so much that you can do with a GIS technology, the most common example is making layers with data showing all sorts of different variables of a community to help inform decision makers and inform the public. For example, my hometown of Syracuse could really use (and publicize) housing information. A useful applicationRead… Read more »

WyCAN moving forward with unemployment insurance modernization efforts

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. Continuing with Deltek’s month-long blog series in honor of National Social Worker Month, we’re highlighting a consortium of states looking to modernize their unemployment insurance (UI) infrastructure. WyCAN, a group of states including Arizona, Colorado, North Dakota and Wyoming, is taking on efforts to obtain a UI tax and benefitRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 16, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Transparency not-yet-accomplished. Alice Lipowicz writes in Federal Computer Week that many agencies have yet to complete their current transparency plans, though their next-gen plans are due in April. Mobility on the way. Lisa Schlosser, deputy chief information officer at OMB, talked about mobility in the federal government with Wyatt Kash of Gov.AOL. KeyRead… Read more »

Temple University Opens Early Stage Biotech Incubator

Stephanie Baum (Philadelphia, PA) – A university is offering early stage companies from its academic community office space in an incubator as the institution doubles its technology transfer office staff. Philadelphia-based Temple University has opened an office in the University City Science Center that serves as an incubator for many life science and technology companies.Read… Read more »

Illinois’ FY 2013 Budget: Navigating away from “empty promises”

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. Governor Patrick Quinn unveiled his proposed FY 2013 budget to the General Assembly on February 22, 2012. His plan outlines a need to repair a broken system and restore fiscal stability through major reductions and state spending reforms. While Governor Quinn’s plan emphasizes a need to cut costs and reduceRead… Read more »

Coding Better Government

I was laid up sick all last week and didn’t have time to put anything together. Rather than leave you hanging, I’m just going to point you at this TED talk about Coding Better Government by Code for America Founder Jennifer Pahlka. Cheers Originally published by Nick Charney at subscribe/connect Original post