Yearly Archives: 2012

Texas releases e-filing RFP

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Earlier this month, Texas joined a myriad of states including Minnesota and Arkansas, as well as many localities by releasing a solicitation for an electronic filing of court records system. This system will allow court employees at all levels (Supreme, criminal appeals, appellate, district, justice, and Limited Jurisdiction Courts includingRead… Read more »

Should Governments Crowdsource Science Research Funding?

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Recently, I wrote about the trials and tribulations of social networks focused on scientific researchers. I painted a fairly dim picture. Some people disagreed with me at the Huffington Post and other places. Nevertheless, it is clear that there are those in the scientific community who are interested in disruptiveRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip – Always use the PMBOK Guides’s approach when answering PMP Exam sample questions

There is a bit of a disconnect that PMP Exam takers report as they are preparing for the exam. Because you must be an experienced project manager to take the exam, you bring years of experience in managing projects and using tools & techniques with you. Often, these are based on company internal project managementRead… Read more »

Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right 4

By Andreas Muno Last week we discussed how smaller mobile devices have made it cheaper and easier for public security and field services workers to do their jobs efficiently. And, how as an added benefit, citizens have become more engaged and are taking some of the burden off of governments. This week we are goingRead… Read more »

Encyclopedia Britannica ceases paper publishing after 244 years – how about government reports?

On Tuesday Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. announced that the company would cease printing a paper edition of their iconic Encyclopedia Britannica, after 244 years. The last paper version – the 32-volume, 2010 edition – will be unavailable once the existing stock of about 4,000 copies runs out. I can see it becoming a collector’s item overnight.Read… Read more »

Join Live Event

CDC will launch a hard-hitting national tobacco education campaign, called “Tips from Former Smokers.” The campaign features real people living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities, and encourages all smokers to quit. Watch the event live and/or follow @CDCTobaccoFree on Twitter to meet special guests featured in the campaign, and get a first look at campaignRead… Read more »

Municipal wifi under attack, but still innovating

Municipal wifi networks in states across the nation are under attack as they try to move forward. A new bill in Minnesota would limit the ability of cities in the state to move forward on their own broadband networks. A Georgia bill with similar restrictions, however, has been shelved despite support from Republicans in theRead… Read more »

Alleged Terrorist Pipe Bomber Jose Pimentel Pleads Not Guilty Jose Pimentel, who is either a would-be terrorist or a stoned entrapment victim, pleaded not guilty today to rarely used state-level terrorism charges which were enacted after 9/11. You’ll recall that NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly made a big deal in announcing Pimentel’s arrest, holding a press conferencein which he held up a theatrical pipeRead… Read more »