Yearly Archives: 2012

Let your People Services/HR team know – LinkedIn reaches three million Australian members

LinkedIn has just announced to members that it has reached three million Australian members, slightly over 10% of the population and roughly 30% of our working population. I hope People Services and Human Resources people across government are beginning to recognise the potential of the service for reaching professional people as potential hires and toRead… Read more »

RFP Pre-Proposal Conference Via Webinar

The City of San Diego has issued an RFP for Landfill Operations. The City has selected Green Proposals to facilitate their pre-proposal conference Via Webinar. No cost to the City. Green Proposals delivers high-quality online pre-proposal meeting services that quickly bring sizeable time and cost savings to government purchasing departments and their vendors.

Nationwide Grassroots Project Will Amend U.S. Constitution to End Corporate Power in Elections

Restore American democracy. Corporations are not people. Who inspires you? Abolitionists? Suffragists? Union organizers? Civil rights workers? Peace activists? Occupiers? They all have one thing in common. They were ordinary people faced with extraordinary injustice. Then they stood up, walked out of their comfort zones, and into history. They made the world better for allRead… Read more »

The six aspects of capturing Government contracts

With capture, many companies focus on the obvious: what are the company’s internal capabilities and the offering – and what can the company do in response to the customer needs. However, there are multiple other factors to take into account when capturing a contract that are all too often overlooked. There is no one rightRead… Read more »

NLC leaders call for more focus on job growth

The National League of Cities (NLC) wraps up its annual congressional conference today after three days of meetings with municipal officials, members of congress and the President discussing issues facing cities and how to support America’s economy. NLC leaders called on the President to do more to support job growth in America. NLC leaders highlightedRead… Read more »

Sentence struck down in millennium bomb plot LOS ANGELES — A 22-year sentence was unreasonably lenient for al-Qaida-trained terrorist Ahmed Ressam, who drove a trunkload of powerful explosives into the United States from Canada with the intent of bombing Los Angeles International Airport on the eve of the millennium, a federal appeals court ruled Monday. The 7-4 ruling by the fullRead… Read more »