Yearly Archives: 2012

And How Would You Like Me To Proceed?

One of my buds got a referral from a client. She got all excited, wanted to learn more, called and offered to take the referrer to lunch, coffee, whatever. The response was like she passed gas in church. The referrer just wanted her to call up the new person and sell her something. The fixRead… Read more »

Being a Big Brother has a Big Impact

Tweet As an elected official, I am often asked to serve on various Boards of Directors and Advisory Boards for different non-profits. Usually the commitment involves attending meetings when possible, providing strategic direction and assisting in fundraising and promoting awareness. One organization caught my interest and drove me to invest much more, and the resultsRead… Read more »

Alabama chooses Deloitte to replace Medicaid eligibility determination system

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Yesterday, the Alabama Medicaid Agency (AMA) announced a tentative contract award to Deloitte to replace the state’s 30-year-old Medicaid eligibility determination system (MEDS). The outdated system is finally getting an overhaul to account for the ever-growing Medicaid population, and to prepare for the influx of Medicaid enrollees in 2014 resultingRead… Read more »

Using Deliberative Methods to Engage the Public; Webinar Invitation – April 19, 2012

From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: “The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) invites you and your colleagues to participate in a webinar to learn about how to design and implement an effective deliberative session to explore the views of patients, consumers, or other members of the community on challenging public problemsRead… Read more »

Measuring Metrics: How do you determine what’s worthwhile?

You get what you measure — that’s what they tell us, right? But online, you can measure just about everything. It can be overwhelming. Yet we know that better customer service… better agency performance… require that we measure. The Office of Management and Budget is now looking at federal agency Web metrics, and they’ve toldRead… Read more »

Devon’s Content Strategy

In previous posts I’ve talked about developing a content strategy for the council and shared my thoughts on what it might include, i’ve shared an example of how its already informing our development as well as sharing my thinking on the kind of support I believe web teams and local government in general need toRead… Read more »

Doing better with less with Code for America, Crafting your Innovator DNA and Measuring Metrics

Doing better with less with Code for America, Crafting your Innovator DNA and Measuring Metrics by GovLoop Insights On today’s program… Doing more with less… how about doing more and better with less. That may be possible. And we’ll blow your socks off. We’re going to talk to a person that Government Technology billed atRead… Read more »

How Do You Protect Against Cyber Threats?

Cyber threats continue to rise for the federal government. As potential attackers develop new ways to inflict infrastructure and federal systems, security professionals need to continue to stay one step ahead of the attackers. With increasing uses of cloud and collaborative technologies, new interconnected systems provide a fertile ground for potential attackers. With government officialsRead… Read more »

Malware Madness! Which virus wreaked the most havoc?

Bracketology is quickly emerging a new national pastime every March. We finally have a word to describe the hours upon hours devoted to determining the winner of the NCAA tournament. Is it Kentucky this year? What about Syracuse, North Carolina or Kansas? Well, GCN is getting in on the madness and asking people to voteRead… Read more »