Yearly Archives: 2012

Business Sim Released by Public Works Group

Over the last year or so I’ve worked on creating a 3D environment as a representation of the ADA Toolkit for Local Government. Last December I submitted the build in the Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge. The winners were just announced this week, and my entry was not one of the finalists so I began theRead… Read more »

Think Different, Think Simplicity

Last Christmas after all the festivities and the big dinner –I settled down with my iPad and purchased Steve Job’s Biography. I was thinking how cool is it to buy and enjoy something on Christmas –without having to leave the house. Besides the only store opened on Christmas is the 7-11 and I didn’t needRead… Read more »

Help Me Crowdsource My SXSW Talk

I’m doing a keynote on Tuesday at South by Southwest. To be honest, I haven’t finished writing the talk yet. Yes, I know it’s only a few days away and thousands of people are going to see it. I’m a procrastinator. The upside is there’s still some time to crowdsource some of the talk. WhatRead… Read more »

Dell, Red Cross launch digital operations center to use social media in disaster response

Dell and the American Red Cross are launching a new digital operations center – the first social media based operation devoted to humanitarian relief. The Red Cross is also recruiting digital volunteers to help respond to questions and provide information to the public about disasters as they happen. The center is modeled after Dell’s SocialRead… Read more »

If we just had done a few things differently… OR 3 main problems with capture management

When my phone rings for proposal consulting work, about 90% of the time the story is the same: we’ve got a Request for Proposal in and we need you to help us immediately. I say – great, would be happy to help you. By the way, have you done any capture? I hear either “yes,”Read… Read more »

Iran won’t respond to anything but lethal force I just got back from AIPAC, and felt that the official statements by the US President fell way short of the mark. No hardened Iranian leader with blood on his hands is going to have sleepless night because the President says “everything is on the table” but give sanctions a chance. We know howRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process

On Thursday, (3/8), GovLoop and Bloomberg Government hosted a training webinar on “How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process.” During the training we discussed current acquisition challenges and how to improve communications with industry to streamline the acquisition process. We also learned some awesome tips and best practices for market research. 1.Read… Read more »

Todd Park Named New US Chief Technology Officer

The White House Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, John Holdren just announced that the President has selected the relief for Aneesh Chopra. A hearty congrats to Todd Park! Todd is an incredibly mission-focused technologist with an enthusiasm that is absolutely contagious. This is fantastic news for the country. Todd knows dataRead… Read more »