Yearly Archives: 2012

Q&A Responses from “Resume Tips for Prospective PMFs” Google+ Hangout

Earlier this week, GovLoop hosted a Google+ Hangout designed to help applicants to the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program in preparing their resumes. You can view the video recording and slides at this link: Resume Tips for Prospective PMFs Hangout participants asked over 25 questions and the PMF Program Office (PMFPO) took the time toRead… Read more »

Either Way A Fiscal Cliff

Okay, so here’s the dirtly little secret… The “Fiscal Cliff” that everyone is supposedly working on to avert–is really unavoidable! Yes, the Sequestration that was put in place that eliminates the broad-based tax cuts from a decade ago and reduces spending across military and domestic government spending–can be replaced by more surgical tax increases andRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Surviving Budget Chaos

The link below leads to my article with this title published in the November 2012 issue of FedTech Magazine. For Federal CIOs, the pending sequestration, if implemented, will cause significant turmoil in funding agency IT operations and programs. But even if the sequestration is avoided, cutting Federal costs will be a key action area inRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 16, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda An Innovation Agenda. The Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation convened a panel to discuss a “First 100 Days Innovation Agenda” for the next administration. Federal Computer Week has a write up, and Alex Howard, one of the panelists, provides context and shares his experience. IRS, EEOC, USDA on BYOD at AFCEA. Yes,Read… Read more »

Looking for BYOD Help? Here are 5 Sample Policies for Public Sector BYOD Initiatives

Story Highlights GovLoop partners with Cisco to develop recent report, Exploring Bring Your Own Device in the Public Sector Learn more from BYOD Expert, David Graziano BYOD is already happening – agencies need to be prepared with sound policy. Bring your own device (BYOD) initiatives have been popping up all year long. There are countlessRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving dessert for Hurricane Sandy victims challenge

Although they are no longer in the news, Hurricane Sandy victims are still suffering. As a result one of my high school classmates, Executive Chef Jim McGrady from Maggiano’s Little Italy restaurant, invited 1,000 hungry people in South Jersey for Thanksgiving dinner. When volunteered he asked me to bring dessert. Which leads to our leadershipRead… Read more »

Open Season Tips, Direct Deposit Changes, & Retiree Job Opportunities

It’s that time of year again and we all know that our health care premiums, in most cases, will be going up. The (FEHB) Program premiums will increase by 3.4 percent in 2013, which is lower than last year’s increase of 3.8 percent. The average premium increase for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision InsuranceRead… Read more »

Two simple thoughts on innovation and leadership

Public sector innovators have the courage to look right when all their colleagues are looking left. Public sector leaders recognize that courage, celebrate it, and do whatever they can to steer the rest of their organization towards it. Originally published by Nick Charney at subscribe/connect Original post