Yearly Archives: 2012

Top Lawmakers Mull Syrian Options An estimated 7,500 Syrians have been killed by President Bashar Assad’s military during the past year, a fact that has led Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to call for U.S.-led air strikes to stop the slaughter of unarmed civilians being carried out by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying: “Providing military assistance toRead… Read more »

Stay The Course in the Q&A

All went according to plan. The CIO’s presentation at the online video conference grabbed the audience’s attention with a memorable storyline, visuals worthy of an Apple new product launch, and unmistakable “marching orders.” She told them why they should care and what she wanted them to do. But then came the Question-And-Answer period. An underpaidRead… Read more »

Minnesota republicans propose personal accounts alternative to health insurance exchange

Republican lawmakers in the Minnesota statehouse are proposing a new alternative to health insurance exchanges – personal savings accounts. They call the plan a free-market alternative to proposals from Democratic Governor Mark Dayton and federal health care reform requirements. Under the terms of a newly proposed bill, individuals would have access to personal health premiumRead… Read more »

Apps for Security: A terrific event and growing community supported by SAIC and SINET

I just received word of an exciting new community activity that is being supported by SAIC and SINET. The activity, under the banner “Apps for Security,” is a way of leveraging the power of human creativity and computer science plus a big dose of real data to seek solutions to key security challenges. SINET, asRead… Read more »

National Social Work Month – Veterans’ Mental Health

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. Last Friday, Deltek kicked off National Social Worker Month with a blog series aimed at exploring various topics addressed by our nation’s social work arena. One of the most devastating and close-to-home issues in the field revolves around mental health care for veterans and returning military officers, especially in theRead… Read more »

Cloudera Day in DC: Cloudera Manager and Enterprise

Another valuable pannel at the DC Cloudera Day was Todd Lipcon’s look into Hadoop management software Cloudera Manager available through Cloudera Enterprise. Cloudera is in the business of making Hadoop, the open source Big Data storage and analysis platform, easier for enterprises to adopt and, though the first step is their Cloudera Distribution Including ApacheRead… Read more »

Cloudera Day in DC: Cloudera Manager and Enterprise

Tweet Another valuable pannel at the DC Cloudera Day was Todd Lipcon’s look into Hadoop management software Cloudera Manager available through Cloudera Enterprise. Cloudera is in the business of making Hadoop, the open source Big Data storage and analysis platform, easier for enterprises to adopt and, though the first step is their Cloudera Distribution IncludingRead… Read more »

An Overview of American Political Parties

Most of the American political debate centers on the two major parties – Democrats and Republicans. Today, most Americans are fed up with politicians and would like to eliminate political parties altogether, but it would never work. Aristotle noted that humans are political animals and will always form associations based on common beliefs and experiences.Read… Read more »