Yearly Archives: 2012

When Is a Job Board Not a Job Board? When It Is an Influencer

The most recent Career Xroads Sources of Hire survey was released recently. If you are not familiar with it, Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler have been conducting this study for over a decade. The survey looked at data from 36 companies with over 200,000 job openings to determine the key sources of hire and theRead… Read more »

Steve Case Tells America How To “Control Alt Compete”

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Creating jobs, improving the economy through innovation, and increasing America’s global competitiveness are incredibly important right now, and a lot of the improvement in these areas will come from small “startup” businesses in major metro areas around the country. In that vein, the Startup America partnership welcomed people to aRead… Read more »

Smokers Wanted. Lit: A mobile game for smoking reduction

If you’ve ever smoked, and tried to quit, chances are you know how much fun quitting, and quit attempts, aren’t. The cravings, the mood swings, the weight gain – ugh! What if quitting smoking was fun instead? Funded by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Program grant, Lit2Quit is a mobile game that aims toRead… Read more »